Unable to delete inbox messages

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Unable to delete inbox messages

Post by The.Dark.One »

When I try and delete marked images I'm getting a message saying the submitted form is invalid.
I have a message in my out box that won't send.
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Re: Unable to delete inbox messages

Post by bekateen »

The.Dark.One wrote: 14 May 2020, 19:40I have a message in my out box that won't send.
Jools will have to handle the undeleting issue. As for the "unsent" message, I can explain that:

The way the messaging system works with this code is that a message will sit in the Outbox until the other person reads it. Only then does it move to the Sent Messages folder. If you have a message sitting in your Outbox, that does not in itself indicate any problems with the software; it just might mean that the other person hasn't opened their new messages.

Cheers, Eric
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Re: Unable to delete inbox messages

Post by The.Dark.One »

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Re: Unable to delete inbox messages

Post by Jools »

Eric is correct with the very minor amendment that the message sits in your outbox until the recipient opens their PM inbox. They don't have to read it for it to update to sent.

The "submitted form is invalid" is a terrible message, what it should say is something like "this has already been submitted to the recipient and can't be deleted by you". There should not be an option to try and delete it.

Your outbox is also their inbox, only one copy of the message exists until it is read, unlike email where they are actually transmitted. I see there is an enhancement planned for it to make it work more like modern IM clients. We will implement that as soon as it's available.

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