L134 L046 in the Chicago south bend Indiana area

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L134 L046 in the Chicago south bend Indiana area

Post by NonyaBuzness »

Anyone selling leopard frogs (and /or possibly l046 zebras) in the South Bend Indiana Chicago area for pickup or meet you somewhere. Unsexed babies are fine.
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Re: L134 L046 in the Chicago south bend Indiana area

Post by bekateen »

Check out Natiowide Aquatics on FB. They have juvie zebras for a good price. They are in Chicago.
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Re: L134 L046 in the Chicago south bend Indiana area

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Jorge (George) also has P. comptas available. He and I work together on some things so I know he just got in very healthy tank raised zebras and 134s recently.
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Re: L134 L046 in the Chicago south bend Indiana area

Post by NonyaBuzness »

bekateen wrote: 08 Apr 2020, 16:24 Check out Natiowide Aquatics on FB. They have juvie zebras for a good price. They are in Chicago.
Thank you!
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Re: L134 L046 in the Chicago south bend Indiana area

Post by NonyaBuzness »

TwoTankAmin wrote: 08 Apr 2020, 16:27 Jorge (George) also has P. comptas available. He and I work together on some things so I know he just got in very healthy tank raised zebras and 134s recently.
Hey sorry Im new to this....who is Jorge? LOL Sorry...Im missing something here....appreciate your patience. :d
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Re: L134 L046 in the Chicago south bend Indiana area

Post by MarcW »

NonyaBuzness wrote: 08 Apr 2020, 17:05
TwoTankAmin wrote: 08 Apr 2020, 16:27 Jorge (George) also has P. comptas available. He and I work together on some things so I know he just got in very healthy tank raised zebras and 134s recently.
Hey sorry Im new to this....who is Jorge? LOL Sorry...Im missing something here....appreciate your patience. :d
Jorge runs Nation Wide Aquatics :-). The company Eric mentioned a few posts above.
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Re: L134 L046 in the Chicago south bend Indiana area

Post by NonyaBuzness »

MarcW wrote: 08 Apr 2020, 18:31
NonyaBuzness wrote: 08 Apr 2020, 17:05
TwoTankAmin wrote: 08 Apr 2020, 16:27 Jorge (George) also has P. comptas available. He and I work together on some things so I know he just got in very healthy tank raised zebras and 134s recently.
Hey sorry Im new to this....who is Jorge? LOL Sorry...Im missing something here....appreciate your patience. :d
Jorge runs Nation Wide Aquatics :-). The company Eric mentioned a few posts above.
Sorry...thought that's what you meant but wasnt sure. I'm not a Facebook user but I did email him for prices and maybe a catalog. Thanks again for your help.
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