As for water sadly this time I didn't do a test and it wasn't until after a water change that I noticed the little guy being so distant and not at all active as his pals. I also noticed him take a few trips to the surface for air. He didn't seem to be eating that day. I couldn't write the same day so fearing the worst I moved him to the floating box I have for the guppies to have their fry. I figured this would give him peace and let him get to the surface easier. He seemed yellowish compared to his mate who had more pink on them.
A few says later he seems to be eating again, still in the box tho. I'm thinking of moving him back, but Does anyone know what might have been wrong with him.
To guess on the water testing, I test three days before I did the water change and notice the cory not looking well. Ammoina was 0, nitrite 1.0 and ph 8.0 ... I'm in the middle of a nitrite spike, trying hard to encourage the cycle. Anyway, there is a pic of the little guy, do you see anything wrong? When I was really looking and comparing him to the other cories the only other differance (besides the more yellowish look) I noticed the "rays" on his flippers looked thicker at the ends then the other cories. Well heres the pic. Is he sick, anti social or what?
Thanks beck.