Which Cactus pleco do I have

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Which Cactus pleco do I have

Post by Proteus »

Recently brought this guy off someone who is converting into SW setup. He had this guy in his Discus tanks at 86 degrees eating bloodworms beefheart etc what he fed the discus, this guy ate it all. He brought it 2 years ago at 2.5" He doesn't remember where he got it from. Its now 5.5"? I did not measure it exactly as it was a 45 minute drive home currently in the clown loach tank at 82 degrees it will be transferred into a 75g tank I intend to have it at 80-82degrees and upgrade all clowns and him into a 300 gallon within a year or two.
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Re: Which Cactus pleco do I have

Post by Acanthicus »

Pseudacanthicus sp. ""
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Re: Which Cactus pleco do I have

Post by Proteus »

Thank you very much Daniel.
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Re: Which Cactus pleco do I have

Post by Proteus »

Another Question thats bothering me. Why are L600s and L114s looking so similar as I looked up a local importer that had L114s in stock and their coloring is not as orange as his is at a smaller size already and some of the labeled L600s that same source has in at 6" is showing that same coloring and a 9" specimen too. Did they get their L numbers messed up? Or does it depend on its region it was collected in? Last thing I want to do is create a hybrid.

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Re: Which Cactus pleco do I have

Post by Proteus »

Example of why I got confused.
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Re: Which Cactus pleco do I have

Post by Proteus »

Thought once they all matured they LOSE the coloring the more they grow?

So in this batch of L114s I expect them to lose more orange in the seam coloring?

While see the L600 younger one has less orange than the older specimen? Its confusing
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Re: Which Cactus pleco do I have

Post by Jools »

It's simpler to look at the spots on the head. will have no spots for a portion of the head anterior of the eye.

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Re: Which Cactus pleco do I have

Post by Acanthicus »


L 114 are from Rio Demini. The spots on the head are bigger than they are in P. leopardus.

L 600 is not an official L-Number, but a trade name. The species is described as P. leopardus and should be called this name, nothing else. It's from the Rio Branco-drainagge, often collected in Rio Rupununi for trade.

Both loose parts of their colour during maturing, but P. leopardus still tend to have a more intense colouration.
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Re: Which Cactus pleco do I have

Post by Proteus »

Thank you for the clarification
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