Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
I do not think it is A. triradiatus, but I do not know what sp. it is either. It is very difficult, especially without knowing where the fish was collected, to identify Ancistrus to the sp. leve.
"My journey is at an end and the tale is told. The reader who has followed so faithfully and so far, they have the right to ask, what do I bring back? It can be summed up in three words. Concentrate upon Uganda."
Winston Churchill, My African Journey
On a side note, your pictures would definitely be competitive in the photo contest that's detailed in the site announcements forum *shameless plug off*
Interests: breeding catfish from all parts of the world and getting them into the hobby. favorite catfish is the stonecat madtom,btw ingo how are my fish
If you're looking for information then look up Ancistrus sp(3). This is basically a "melting pot" of possibly more than one species, maybe even hybrids as this genus is known to hybridize and is easy to spawn.
As previously said, they are horribly difficult to ID.