Kuhli with eggs

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Kuhli with eggs

Post by LimpingFish »

I know that Kuhlis are not Catfish, but i hope it is ok to ask this here..
After few months that i haven't saw any Kuhli in my tank, i saw one, and realized it had eggs.
I have no experience in breeding..
So, what do i do?
I can't put the Kuhlis in another tank, as i don't know where they are, and even if i knew, i couldn't catch them.
Also, i have Clown loaches, so i think they'll get to the eggs before me..

Let's say the kuhli laid the eggs, and i took them to another small tank (with water from the original tank). Now what? Should i put methylene blue? Or just wait until they hatch?

Thanks, And sorry if this is message is not suitable for here.



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Post by Monty »

Hi Mate,

Kuhlis are not frequently bred in captivity (successfully anyway). One of our members here at PC has done the deed.....Graeme.

If you follow this link it gives an account of the breeding of Pangio Myersi.

http://www.fishmadness.com/forum/index. ... wtopic=680

Perhaps Graeme will pick up this thread or you could PM him.
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Post by LimpingFish »

Thanks, i have already sent message to him :P
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Post by Graeme »

Sorry i couldn't PM you back as mine seems to be Broke.
Are you 100% sure you have a male in their along with your Graved female? Males are extremely lazy when it comes to breeding (poor girl will carry and carry). If you find any eggs lets say they have been fertilised (if you are lucky) then i would advise to remove them and place them in soft water breeding tank with plenty of vegetation and apply Anti-Fungus (Meth blue). Good luck!
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Post by LimpingFish »

Thanks for replying so fast!

I still have more questions, sorry, hops this is ok.. :oops:
I don't think i can get anywhere here soft water.. The eggs won't hatch if i'll use the water from the main tank (I think the pH is about 8 :shock: ) ?
Actually, i'm not sure at all that i have males in my tank. I don't know if i have any other kuhlis in there, actually. I haven't saw kuhlis for MONTHS, this female started showing herself about a week ago, on feeding times .

What are the plants used for in the tank? To make the fry feel safer, or to 'clean' the water?

When to do water change, and how much water to change?

Is it ok to feed them for the first two weeks with boiled egg's yolk?

And, last question- Should i add the Meth' Blue only when the fry are... umm.. on the egg stage ? Or even when they hatch?

Thanks again!

Just saw the female + another kuhli, resting on the bottom together, i'm hoping that it's a male
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