Ancistrus sp. (L107) lookalike?

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Ancistrus sp. (L107) lookalike?

Post by Jobro »

Hey everyone,

I bought a group of about a year ago. They were really small back then and had quite some variation in size and pattern.

First of all, I have my doubts about the source of the fish, since he said he had them from a friend and I couldn't see the parents and he also talked lots of bull**** that were obvious lies. And I kind of regret the purchase or rather trade now (gave him some L183 of mine). But it was a long roadtrip to get them and I didn't want to go back empty handed. Lesson learned, will go back empty handed next time :D

So some of these fish look like L107 to me, and others don't. Sadly, they are in a huge tank and hard to catch and also not really easy to get a picture of.
As you may have noticed, the biggest one has way more and smaller dots. He is also more greyish than black if you see him in the tank. I have more of them than shown in these pictures, but didn't manage to catch them all. But most of them are really black and have few big white dots. While some are more greyish and have loads of tiny white dots. There seems to be no correlation between size of the fish and size and number of the white dots, even though these pictures might give you that feeling. There are some just as big that have only like a handfull of bigger dots.

Now I wonder if there are any ancistrus that would resemble L107 but with more and smaller dots? Or should I assume this is just variation within a group? They had no white seams when young. The caudal is more concave than convex for both variants. And both seem to show white, prolonged rays (filaments) on the tips of the caudal fin.

Just give me some hints if anything comes to mind regarding similiar species.
follow my Plecos on Instagram: welsgefluester
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Re: Ancistrus sp. (L107) lookalike?

Post by Jobro »

Haha, after looking at him in my tank I came across the idea that he looked like stardust, googled "ancistrus stardust" and came up with . And the spots seem to be pretty "spot on". (pun intended). Not sure if the caudal fits, though :/

Could use some better pictures of L100.
follow my Plecos on Instagram: welsgefluester
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