Common or bristlenose?

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Common or bristlenose?

Post by sabrinah »

My mom's boyfriend wants to tear down his 30-gallon tank and give me his 4 remaining fish, which are all 8-10 years old. I'm very skeptical about this pleco. Is it a stunted common pleco or a female bristlenose? My mom estimates it's around 6 inches.
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Re: Common or bristlenose?

Post by Dave Rinaldo »

It's not an Ancistrus sp. (bristlenose).
It is a Pterygoplichthys sp.

Look at Albino
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Re: Common or bristlenose?

Post by sabrinah »

Wow yea that definitely looks like the fish! Thank you for identifying it! The poor thing is so stunted. I don't know what they're going to do with it but I'm certainly not taking it. I don't have anywhere near enough room to give it a proper tank.
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