I would love to get in to keeping catfish again and there really isn't any other place online with the same wealth of knowledge that this place has.
I originally came here to get an ID on my Electric cat back in 2011 and I have lurked the forums for a while sporadically.
I currently have a 120g aquarium that houses a breeding pair of Steatocranus Casuarius (Block head cichlids), a group of 5 juvenile red koi angels (90% orange) a group of 6 glass fish and about 12 rosy barbs. The tank is an ecclectic mix of regions and when I move in about a year or so I think I will set it up with more of a concrete theme.
I also have an 80g african planted african cichlid aquarium (I chose only the species that don't eat plants)
and a little 20g planted that sadly has failed to please me.
The current stock in the 20g is 1M & 6F endlers livebearer. I have 6 females and over the course of about 8 months now I have only had 3 fry survive. I kept adding females in a hope that I can breed them and tbh I am dissapointed with the fact that so few fry make it. There are some young SAE doing algae duty right now that will get moved into a bigger tank when the algae is gone.
I didn't know which forum to post in, because I`m not sure which region the catfish I'd like would come from... That and its been so long I felt that a friendly reintroduction would be a nice place to start.
I am looking for catfish that can be grown out or remain in a 20g planted aquarium. The only species I can think of right now that I like would be S. Nigriventris. I am not really interested in Plecos or corys and the water here has a PH between 7-8 and a high degree of hardness.
Any suggestions? I am fine with adding more caves or wood and changing the aquascape to accomodate.
Here is a current picture of the set up (the plants are cabomba/Hornwort)