Help! Does anyone know what this is?

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Help! Does anyone know what this is?

Post by Mr Whippy »

Does anyone recognise what is wrong with this corydoras? It's not something I've experienced before. Treatment advice welcome too.

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Re: Help! Does anyone know what this is?

Post by bekateen »

Hi Mr. Whippy,

It looks like your cory has anchorworms, or something similar.

Regards, Eric
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Re: Help! Does anyone know what this is?

Post by Mr Whippy »

Thank you bekateen, that's really helpful! :-)
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Re: Help! Does anyone know what this is?

Post by Mr Whippy »

Just wanted to update this incase anyone in future is looking for answers to the same problem. I treated the tank this corydoras (and others with the same symptoms) are in with Sera Med Tremazol which you dose the tank with and then do an 80% water change 6 hours later, by which time in my case, all the visible threads/worms had disappeared and the fish were looking so much better I was amazed. I am hopefully they will all be OK. According to the instructions I repeat the treatment in 7 days. I had been treating them for fungus & fin rot which they hadn't responded to - now I know why! - but I finally got a close look at one and was able to get a good photo too and realised it wasn't what I thought.
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Re: Help! Does anyone know what this is?

Post by bekateen »

Terrific! Glad it worked.

Cheers, Eric
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Re: Help! Does anyone know what this is?

Post by Mr Whippy »

Thank you again for your help :-)
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Re: Help! Does anyone know what this is?

Post by Bas Pels »

Todays posting will be valuable for new cases.

However, please be so kind as to inform us further about the eventual second treatment, and do place a picture of how the Corydoras is looking now, and next week
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Re: Help! Does anyone know what this is?

Post by cichlidlife »

is the white spot on the eye still there or not because if it isn't then it may of been caused by the corydora's response to the parasites or something in the water caused by the parasites.
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Re: Help! Does anyone know what this is?

Post by Boris.D »

I had the same problem ones. The Tremazol help very good, but better when started as soon as possible. For the external Trematodes it is not necessary to repeat the treatment, only for the gill worms.
Cory are quite sensitive for the medicine. It is better to start with 1/2 or 1/3 of the recommended dose and rise the dose to the standard in 1 day step.
All my cory recovered fast from the trematodes, but one most damaged died later. I used from the beginning the recommended dose of the Tremazol in this treatment. Probably this was the reason.
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