Stressed, Irritable and miserable...Just quit smoking!!!

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who here used too smoke?

I quit
I'm quiting
Never, it's a disgusting habit and I'd rather chew off a testicle!(can I say that)
Not a smoker
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Stressed, Irritable and miserable...Just quit smoking!!!

Post by doctorzeb »

Anyone else out there fulfilled that ever so common new-years resolution!!!!! I've been quit since new years day, first time I've ever managed, and despite being chuffed with myself, I'm a miserable, irritable sh*t!!!

Even PC is getting on my nerves....too long to load up......... stupid little emoticons :evil: , not enough new posts. God this is hell, I just need a good rant!!!!!Not to mention how annoying all my fish are.... I swear they are all sitting watching me saying....nah.... you'll never do it.....go on spark up a fag!!!!

Anyone else out there going through the same.

Thought it was about time I gave some other people my miserable side, as opposed to my wife!!!!!

a very angst rob smokin
Last edited by doctorzeb on 08 Jan 2004, 23:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Yann »

Hi Rob!

Hey M8, I was there at your place 2 years ago... Hang on... it really is worth it...
THe first 3 weeks are awfull ( not for you but for the others... :wink: ) (Like they are praying you for you to smoke again...)... seriously, hang on... I personnally found the first 3 weeks hard as you are tempted all the time...but usually once this period gone it is rather alright... just avoid being with smokers and keep your mind (and hands) busy...
I wish you to succeed!!!
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Post by clothahump »

Could you add "I am not a Smoker"?
Over a year and still going strong, get Allan Carrs book "The easy way to give up smoking" it works.
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Post by Catinthehat »

Hey Rob
yann. is right, the first while is by far the worst, then slowly the cravings get farther apart. Just don't give up as it will be the best thing you can do for yourself and your family........

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Post by doctorzeb »

Cheers Guys..

I've tried ammending the poll via the edit icon, bit no luck.....moderators can you do that? introduce.."not a smoker"

ANyway, thanks... greatly appreciated. I feel brilliant for it, but I'm as miserable as sin, although at least I have an excuse now! :lol:

tomorrow it will be 9 days.... all I have to do now is stop licking the wrapper of the nicotine patch!!!!


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Post by Shane »

Great Job Rob! I decided to start quitting on New Years as well. I am down to 2-3 cigarettes per day. I figure it will be a process since starting smoking was a process. In other words, I did not start smoking a pack a day when I began smoking, so why should I quit by stopping 100 percent? It is also a motivation thing for me. I felt that if I said I would quit 100 percent, and then had a cigarette, I would convince myself that I failed. The way I am doing it I just try to go longer and longer between cigarettes and do a little better everyday.
I do not have the patch. I am doing push ups every time I want a cigarette. I tell myself that I can have a cigarette after 75 push ups. Then after 75 push ups I am breathing hard and do not want a cigarette. It seems to be working and getting me in better shape.
For Yann, I wish I could be around non-smokers. In Colombia a non-smoking section is rare in a restaurant and unheard of anywhere else. You can smoke in malls, bars, and aquarium stores. The only place it is illegal to smoke is in your car if you are the driver. They believe that smoking and driving causes accidents, but there is no (enforced) law against drinking and driving or talking on your cell phone and driving. Figure that one out!
A word to those that not smoke in your fishroom. The only place in the house I was aloud to smoke was my fishroom. Now I can not go in there because I just think about smoking :(
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Post by plesner »

The first year is the worst. The second year is the worst too, and then things kind of go into a decline. No, honestly each day should be a little easier than the day before.
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Post by clothahump »

Read the book Shane. :wink:
I was totally amazed by it, it tells you to smoke until you finish the book, I read 18 pages and stopped completely, I do not even crave cigarettes.
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Post by Dinyar »

I quit smokîng seven years ago but relapsed briefly a couple of times thereafter, mostly in places like China where most men smoke. I've been chewing Nicorette gum for several years now, and while this is another addiction, it allows me to resist cigarettes in any environment and is certainly the lesser evil. Maybe not as good as quitting nicotine altogether, but if you fail to cross that bridge, the gum is certainly something to consider.

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Post by Shane »

I tried the gum a few years ago and found it worked well. My biggest problem with the gum is that you can not chew it and do the things you like to do while smoking like enjoy a hot cup of coffee or a cold pint. Oh well, I guess you can not have it all.
Proud member of the Planetcatfish Stop Smoking Support Program.
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Post by polkadot »

I'm trying to quit as well. Now its hard especially when you go to certain places and had to associate smoking while doing something or at that particular place. eg. i always smoke while at the farms/lfs. Now I dont frequent lfs/farms because I dont want to have that "feeling". :?
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Post by doctorzeb »

Clothahump....I'm ordering the book,
Shane.....Nice one, good luck to you.
Yann, congratulations.
..bloody hell this is likea christmas card list..
DInyar..when you relapse, does it make it difficult all over again?
Polkadot......It's the pub that kills me too, had a cigar the other night and convinced myself,(and not my wife) that it was allowed! long have you been quit?

Well guys thats another many have you had so far,...or how many push have you done? I think 75 push-ups would kill me quicker than the fags!!!

Oh well time for a coffee and a patch!

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Post by plesner »

I woke up one Sunday morning more than 15 years ago and decided to stop right there and then. This must have coincided with me being extra determined to do so, because it only bothered me about a week. Since then I may have smoked something like 20 cigarettes. Sometimes, when I drink a sufficient amount of alcohol, I also smoke a cigarette. That cigarette just reminds me, that I actually don't like the taste at all so I 've had no problem staying away from smoking.
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Post by Catinthehat »

Rob--------I also used the patch to quit and it worked so hang in there. Haven't had a smoke in over 10 years, not even "1".............

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Post by Sid Guppy »

:? :D
It's a hard-to-quit habit, I agree!
6 1/2 year ago I quit the smoking of ordinary tobacco during everyday, but I didn't quit with the cannabis for obvious reasons :roll:

Then, years later I had to lessen and finally lay off that too, because the few remaing braincells were migrating through my ears, and "the day after" was getting quite depressive!

But put me full of beer, and I'm a goner!
I can keep off the cannabis, but I'm lethal when it comes to drinkin' and smokin' at the same time......I HAVE to put some burning plants in me.
good thing most pubs here don't allow joints to be lit up, only rock-temples allow it.
So once off the greenery, I was quickly falling for cigarettes during beertime.....

Trying to break myself off that last habit isn't easy, but I'm trying. Hang on in there, man!
It's possible to quit, believe me.
difficult as hell, but possible.

As long as I stay sober (wich IS easy, just avoid the pub and the concerts) I don't smoke a thing anymore (at least for those 6 1/2 years), nothing, nada.

And I NEVER, EVER drink by myself, never done it, never will.
Only with friends on occasion, at parties, concerts or in the pub. In my case concerts are the worst temptation, I don't do pub or parties often.

keep up the fresh air habits :wink:
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Post by doctorzeb »

Cheers Sid

I must admit, I'm drinking like a trojan at the moment. Night arrives, and I need something to do ........out pops the old bottle or two of red wine!..Tell you what though, my hangovers have almost disappeared since stopping. :lol: Bonus!

Clothahump...just bought the book.. should be here in 48hrs. SO I'm going to pop out and buy 100 Marl. Reds, and smoke them all before then.......only joking.

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Post by clothahump »

Clothahump...just bought the book.. should be here in 48hrs. SO I'm going to pop out and buy 100 Marl. Reds, and smoke them all before then.......only joking.
Thats the point Rob, you keep smoking until you finish the book, it stops you from getting stressed about giving up.
Sounds strange but it will work, just have faith in the book. :wink:
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Post by doctorzeb »

Oh-no......confusion............8 days without a fag, now I feel like it's justiifeid for me to have one because I'm getting the book!!! Bugger, I'm just going to use it as an excuse!!!

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Post by Coryman »

I had some bad stabbing pains in the chest while at work in 1993 and stopped on the spot, the guy I was working with also smoked and he almost cried when I crushed and threw away the amost ful pack of 20. At that time I was on 30 a day and smoked a pipe. I have not toutched either to this day. The chest pain turned out to be a torn muscle.

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The secret of getting rid of your sigarettes.

Post by spiny »

If you're gonna quit smoking, you should listen to me, because I did quit a lot of times, and have the experience... :oops:

Well, I smoked as a teenager. Then, I just quit, and didnt smoke in 4 years. Chewing gum helped (without nicotine), as I had something to put in my mouth. I had this plate on the wall saying "smokers are also humans, only not that long". Then I started to smoke on parties, on the pub, and while fishing/being up in the mountains or the forest.
Then, for some years, while travellig a lot, and living in Amsterdam, I smoked a lot! Then I got a tough job, packed with meetings etc, that required sigarettes to calm down.

:!: One thing WORKED for me; I never smoked at home. If I did, I went out in the garden, even in winter. That meant I didnt think about sigarettes when at home. When going to work, or driving, I had to light up sigarettes!
The need for smoke was obviously related to certain situations, and after being more aware of that, I stopped smoking in my car (improves sales value), and so on. After a serious cold, I stopped at once! After a wet :cheers: and smoky labour-union party in Copenhagen, I got so sick, and 50 Marlboro had a tremendous impact to making a very sore throut. Not a single sigarette after that!

That was november 2002. I didnt touch a pub for 2 months, and didnt go fishing for weeks. Today there is no problem, and I smoke a cigar, a Cohiba, at new years eve, and in larger celebrations. You do not inhale them the same way as a sigarette, so I can cope with that. Training helps you avoid sigarettes as well; they do not taste as good any longer..

Now I feel so much better and healthier! :D I'm hoping to get as old as my great grandfather; he became almost 105 years old (he was smoking pipe...).

Good luck to you who are going to quit! Do not give up! It is more psychological than physical needs, and YOU is the one taking the decition. You will not miss those sigarettes!
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I guess I'm...

Post by windgirl »

I guess I'm going to get a little moody ... I'm quitting after I'm done this pack (9 smokes). I must quit ... love sports (espeically windsurfing) and well it seems the older I get the harder I feel the effects of smoking. Not only that but as a adult its no longer "cool", but generally unnoticed if anything.

I've tried to quit before. Motive; A local contest if you quit smoking you have a chance to win a car, and they check your pee (to make sure you its been a month not more or less). The odds of winning are way better then the lottery by 100X so i quit and quit for the whole month ... found out I didn't win the car and started smoking again.
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Post by doctorzeb »

Good luck much as I'm jealous that you have nine smokes and I have none.

It's been 11 days for me now, and I've got the book by Allan Carr arriving tommorow. The bonus is that you get to give yourself treats every day that you don't have one. My treat tends to be a bottle of the old red stuff eah night.

Let us know how you get on....

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not since 10/01/01

Post by xander »

That wan't the first time I quit but I believe it will be that last. You REALLY have to WANT to quit. It is one of the hardest things to do. They say it is harder then kicking a heroin addiction. It has been well over 2 years and i still realize that I am addict. I plan on having a cuban cigar soon. I thik I can handle that. I am still tempted from time to time when I'm drinking. I can't stand the smell of it though. I don't understand how exgirlfreinds of mine who didn't smoke could stand to kiss me. I find it far too disgusting. Good luck and know that it can be done.
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Post by doctorzeb »

Hi Guys

Zander, two years is very impressive, did you just go cold turkey or use patches etc.

Well I'm off the patches, and Allan Carr's book arrived this morning. I 'va also got a zebra due in the post today as a wee reward!!!! Ain't life dandy!

Thats 2 weeks, and still not a a puff. I reakon I've put on a bout half a stone, and got more done on the house than I have in months!

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Post by clothahump »

I 'va also got a zebra due in the post today
You got a field to put it in then Rob???
Keep it up m8, you can beat it.
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Post by doctorzeb »

Nah...... Someones' been fattening it up for easter!!! It'll be kept in the larder!

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Post by xander »

The first time I quit i used welbutrin which I liked and worked but I started again of my own free will thinking i could quit like I did the first time. I was wrong I tried the other pill. zyban maybe. Whatever that was it didn't work. Maybe I needed a higher dosage. But the last time I quit I used the patch. OMG the dreams I had the first week. I also left civilization that first week. And I quit with ppl I hung out with. We made a bet that if we smoked again we had to pay each of the three that quit. It helps to not be around others who smoke and to have some support.
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Post by Coryman »

Personally I am of the opinion that the only way to quit is instantly, none of this cut the number you smoke down in stages. The less you smoke the more the craving, you get to the stage where you are just longing for the clock to tick to the next schedled cigarette and don't it make you irritable and spikey. Been there done that, got the Tee shirt To me statements like; "I'll finish this pack and stop" or "Ill give up when the holiday's over" are just denials and won't really have much effect.

There's only one cure for smoking if you really do want to and that is. STOP IT.

Regardles of your health think of the cost, 20 a day in the UK cost about £5 and if I still smoked that would cost me £7.50 a day, on a bad day more. In a year that's £400. You can get some good fish for that kind of money.

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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

Ian's got it right when you put it into that perspective! :D Think of all the fish you could be buying...
Line up!
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Quit smoking!

Post by spiny »

Nice to hear you guys are keeping away from the cigarettes! When you want to quit, you can make it! Just quit! You know, it is very much a psychic addiction, and you are able to win the struggle!
Then time is on your side! The longer without smoke, the easier it gets!

Near 15 months without smoke here, with the exception of maybe 5 Cohibas (cigars) at larger celebrations.

Trust yourself! To quit may be easier than you think, as it was for me (feels like that afterwards at least...)! You are in charge! Then you have the best chance to win!

Bjorn H S

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