Where did my cat go??

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Where did my cat go??

Post by Anglafish »

Hi all,

Okay here's my question....Bought my bumblebee cat at the beginning of the week and havn't seen him since. Ive looked for him and can't find him anywhere. Short of uprooting all my plants I don't know where else to look or if I should look. I know my horsehead loaches dissapeared for weeks, but the cat is quite big, hard to believe he could conceal himself that well for that long. Will he eat, wouldn't he come out to eat? I want to make sure he is okay and hasn't barried himself somewhere and died. Oh Id be some upset cuz he's so cute. Anyone have any ideas how or if I should luer him out??? Thanks

Angela :?:
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Post by Silurus »

Your bumblebee cat is just being its normal self (mine does the same thing). Don't worry about it not getting enough to eat (it'll come out and forage at night). It may emerge a lot fatter than you remembered.
Try looking in your tank when the lights are off if you want to see it. I've found that they are not easy to entice out of hiding (even when food is offered).
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Post by Anglafish »


Thanks, Im just afraid that the other fish will demo dinner before he has a chance to get at it. You keep them, can you keep more than one in a community tank? I don't think my lfs has anymore but just for future reference...I hope I see him soon. If he was dead would I find him? Ahhhh I hope not! :?

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Post by Silurus »

You can certainly keep more than one bumblebee cat together in the same tank (Microglanis, not Batrochoglanis).
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