300L - Can i keep these plecos together?

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300L - Can i keep these plecos together?

Post by FabianGimdal »


I have a 300L 100x60x50 ''Rio Meta biotope tank'' and i'm wondering if it's possible to keep the following species together.

L200 Hemiancistrus subviridis 6 individuals - smallest at 9 cm and largest at 15cm.

L091 Leporacanthicus triactis 4 individuals - Planning that when reaching adulthood being moved to a tank of size 150x60x60. The largest one is about 8-9 cm and smallest about 5 cm.

Best regards
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Re: 300L - Can i keep these plecos together?

Post by -carlo »

You probably could, but if you want them to display their natural behavior I would go a little bigger.

Right now I have 5 adult L121 in a 80×45×45 and I personally find this too small. I'm thinking of selling two or getting a bigger tank.

You would not be severely overstocked or anything though so do whatever you think is best.
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Re: 300L - Can i keep these plecos together?

Post by FabianGimdal »

Hey Carlo and thanks for your response.

I agree with you, they probably won't be able to live quite good when they reach adulthood and start packing on size. I will go with this for now, see how it works and if it's not any aggression problems between the two species/within them because of lack of space i will let them grow out for a few months in there. When they start to get bigger or more territorial i'll move them to other aquariums around the house.

I don't know if i have to make a new thread for this question, as it's my first thread but i'll ask here anyway and if it's wrong just tell me. Do you think i could keep H. Zebra with A. Ranunculus?

I have a Xingu biotope that would be great for the zebras but my ranunculus are already living there. I could spare them their own tank but that would mean i'd have to get rid of my L134 breeding pair which id rather not. The Ranunculus are very timid and careful, they lived with the L134 before but the L134 where to territorial and aggressive towards the ranunculus after they reached adulthood so i had to split them up. The Ranunculus has had different catfish live with them partly and never ever showed aggression towards any species so that's why I'm thinking it might work with the H. Zebra, but considering the price of full grown zebras here in Sweden i don't wanna take too big risks :P
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Re: 300L - Can i keep these plecos together?

Post by -carlo »

I have no idea, as I have no experience with those species. I understand your hesitation though, zebras are expensive. There is always aggression to worry about.
Have you also thought about food competition? If the ranunculus are possessive with their food and beat your zebras to it the zebras might not be able to eat enough.
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