Breeding L316 in 35 Gallon?

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Breeding L316 in 35 Gallon?

Post by squid »

Can i breed L316 pleco in 35 gallon tank?
also will they breed if i have some blue eye lemon bristlenose in with them in the tank?
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Re: Breeding L316 in 35 Gallon?

Post by nvcichlids »

You should have no issues breeding just about any hypan in a 35 gallon tank. I have seen it with hypans and ancistrus breeding int he same tank, but if you truly are looking to breed, it should be a species only tank.
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Re: Breeding L316 in 35 Gallon?

Post by squid »

thanks :D I have 2 Blue eyed bristlenose in another tank, was thinking they will fir in with my Hypans :D
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Re: Breeding L316 in 35 Gallon?

Post by squid »

Up up
Ooen to suggestions.
Any tips on breeding setup? Have not
Seen much activity. I transferred them
Into this tank 2 weeks ago. They are on their own. About 5 pcs.
Have not seen
Much of them. Also have not seen them
Eat . Ive had them for more than 1 year . Will it be better to add some
Tankmates like cories?
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Re: Breeding L316 in 35 Gallon?

Post by Joren56 »

Patience is the key. Eventuelly they might suprise you by spawning all of a sudden when you least suspect it. For the setup i would add some bottom coverage like a tiny layer of sand. The fish might get more relaxed without reflection of the bottom glass this way. I would replace most of the caves with others which are closed at the end because I haven't seen someone who had succes with the open ones. And I would advice against adding corries. As peacefull as they are the're is a big chance that they eat the fry or accidently kill them by hovering over the bottom. Only fish I would add is some kind of small tetras or pencilfish if you would like to add something. I hope that this helps you. Good luck spawning them :-BD
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Re: Breeding L316 in 35 Gallon?

Post by squid »

Joren56 wrote: 22 Apr 2018, 17:05 Patience is the key. Eventuelly they might suprise you by spawning all of a sudden when you least suspect it. For the setup i would add some bottom coverage like a tiny layer of sand. The fish might get more relaxed without reflection of the bottom glass this way. I would replace most of the caves with others which are closed at the end because I haven't seen someone who had succes with the open ones. And I would advice against adding corries. As peacefull as they are the're is a big chance that they eat the fry or accidently kill them by hovering over the bottom. Only fish I would add is some kind of small tetras or pencilfish if you would like to add something. I hope that this helps you. Good luck spawning them :-BD

thanks :) I'll change the caves.
I'll add some sand too :)
by the way will L316 eat or harm bristlenose fries?
i have another tank where my bristlenose breed. planning to move 2-3 pcs into the l316 tank as it is getting algae on the glass , the Bns are about half an inch?
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Re: Breeding L316 in 35 Gallon?

Post by squid »

Added 3 of these and also some black sand . Hope they will be comfy
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