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Post by elsie »

Is there are reason that p-l-e-c-o-s always get asterisked? Are they a dirty word? :)

I had a couple of big ones in my tank and they ate everything in sight. It was nice that they were thriving so well, but my tank sure looked sorry after a while. I was glad to be able to exchange them for less "destructive" otos and a nice fat yellow apple snail, and put some plants back in there again... Now I just have to wait for the original plants to grow back from the stalks.
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No real reason...

Post by windgirl »

A lot of people ask this ... you aren't the first. So, Those of you who answered this Q already, I'll answer it (I ask a lot so if I know something I'll try to do my part).

No Pl*co isn't a dirty word, it is a internet superstion that if you spell the name right your pl*co will die. This of course is the same as touching wood when you say something bad is going to happen. Don't ask why I or anyone follow this crazy method it's just a weird way of the weird internet. I have and many people have spelt out the word and nothing close to death has happened to their fish.

As for dirty words if you called someone you don't like a pl*co thinking it was a dirty word, you just took their name in vain, shame on you. :lol:

Anyway, thats what I read.
30G - 4 common goldies (Neil Pryde, Jimmy Lewis and the twins) and 1 common pl*co (shark)
<O)>>< Building a web site with my other tanks and more info.
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Post by Yann »


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