Corydoras "San Juan"? ID help and breeding hopes

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Corydoras "San Juan"? ID help and breeding hopes

Post by pan »

About three weeks ago, I bought the last three corydoras "san juan" the lfs had available. I saw that there was maybe a chance to get a breeding group, as I guessed there were 1f and 2m. The last few days the "female" seems to get plumper with a big round belly. Do you think i should expect eggs the next few days? As for their id, are they napoensis?
Hope the pictures help, as it was the best i could do at the present... The pictures were shot about an hour ago.
Karsten S.
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Re: Corydoras "San Juan"? ID help and breeding hopes

Post by Karsten S. »


Corydoras sp. "San Juan" is a trade name frequently used by exporters from Iquitos, Peru.
Yes, it could be C. napoensis.


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Re: Corydoras "San Juan"? ID help and breeding hopes

Post by pan »

Hi kamas88,

thanks for the informations. Any opinions about the breeding possibilities?

Cheers, Chris
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