Zebras going out tomorrow

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Zebras going out tomorrow

Post by TwoTankAmin »

I had to miss the NEC ongoing now. Visits to two E.R.s in different states last Sunday killed it for me. I am fine now and trying to catch up on fish care. But I had pre-sold six of my F1 zebras to be picked up tomorrow at the NEC. Since it is a 75 minute drive, it is not a huge deal and I will bring them there tomorrow.

Today, I had to pull them to measure and segregate them so I could bag them tomorrow morning. Here are a few pics of them in my measuring box. Click on the pics to see a larger version. And no, the one in the lower right in the pics is not a snub nose, it just appears to be. It is due to the angle of the fish which was facing up at along the front of the box combined with the angle I was holding the camera at when I clicked. Enjoy-
(The grid uses 1/8 inch squares and the darker lines mark either full square inches or where the edge of the box doesn't permit that, 3/4 inch.)

Using TL: The two smallest fish are at the 1.75 inch size, three are in the 2+ inch range and the largest is at least 2.5 and maybe closer to 2.75 inch range. All were born and raised in my tanks.

Unfortunately, these are all that I had available at this time.
Last edited by TwoTankAmin on 18 Mar 2018, 00:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zebras going ou tomorrow

Post by Tony4143 »

Oh how!! I hope you are doing much better Chris. Those Zebras look good too
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Re: Zebras going out tomorrow

Post by smitty »

No matter how much I look at them they are still breathtaking.
150gal- No Plecos; 3 AC 110 P.Filters; 2 AC P.Heads; Eheim2217, 2260
180gal- Plecos (9): L001/L022 (1M), L023, L083/L165, L137, L190, Rhino (1M, 1F), Trinidad (2); 3 AC 110 P.Filters; 2 AC 110 P.Heads; Eheim 2217,2260; Fluval FX5
210gal- Plecos (5): L014 (2), L050; 4 AC P.Filters; 2AC P.Heads; Eheim 2250,2262; Fluval FX5;
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Re: Zebras going out tomorrow

Post by Shane »

Funny enough... I linked up with Two Tank and watched the sale go down.
Good to see you and glad you are well.
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Re: Zebras going out tomorrow

Post by TwoTankAmin »


After we headed into the vendor room I lost track of you and did not get a chance to chat more. There were a bunch of folks who were surprised to see I made it if just for a few hours and they kept side tracking me. I assume you had a plane to catch and left before I could track you down again.

My bad luck. :(
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Re: Zebras going out tomorrow

Post by Shane »

Yes, had to get to the airport. Still, good to have a chance to catch up.
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Re: Zebras going out tomorrow

Post by TwoTankAmin »

I am happy to report all the zebras made it back to Boston and appear "happy" in their new tank.

Also. glad to hear Shane made it back to VA and is happily at home " :-p

Sorry I only made it to Sunday and did not hear Shane's presentation. Somehow, I manage to miss the good stuff.....
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