help identify

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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help identify

Post by Raven1991 »

can someone help me identify this Place?
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Re: help identify

Post by Raven1991 »

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Re: help identify

Post by bekateen »

Raven1991, can you get a better photo? The odd angle of the picture, with the fish's head against the glass, really deforms the shape of the fish.

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Re: help identify

Post by Jools »


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Re: help identify

Post by Martin S »

My first thought was ...
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Re: help identify

Post by Acanthicus »


Definitely a Panaqolus, I think Jools is right.
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Re: help identify

Post by Raven1991 »

thanks guys he's tough to photograph. Dave
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Re: help identify

Post by zombiemex »

It looks like a L052 Dekeyseria sp. or flounder pleco.... here in mexico we call it "pleco atabapo" very good looking plec.
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Re: help identify

Post by Narwhal72 »

It's an L002. Jools is right.

The picture is at an odd angle which is distorting the shape of the fish. Dekeyseria do not have that pattern on the face at all.

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Re: help identify

Post by Raven1991 »

I will post a better photo of him.
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Re: help identify

Post by Raven1991 »

Imageheres some different photos.
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