What's your favorite catfish?

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What's your favorite catfish?

Post by biomechmonster »

Try to name just one :wink:

Mine's Acanthicus adonis, the Adonis pleco or 'Polka dot lyre tail pleco' according to the cat-e-log. I adore that fish although I've never owned one due to lack of space or funds.
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Post by flyinmike »

Just one? That's hard to do but let's try. Hmmmmmm.....
It would be between the L-177 and the L-014, hmmmm......
Oops. I said two didn't I?
Well, here goes.... L-177! 8)
Plecos are the true centerpieces of any aquarium. Everything else just swims around them!!

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Post by Chocky316 »

petricola 8)
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Post by S. Allen »

heh, i think for right now, Merodontotus tigrinus. Quite a character. Loves to play with a shrimp like a dog with a rope toy... But I have a feeling if you ask me in 6 months the answer will be either the juruense or the niger.
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Post by Mika »

Oxydoras niger
Well i wish i was a catfish
swimmin in a oh, deep, blue sea (Muddy Waters, Catfish blues)
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Post by Jools »


Why don't you set-up a poll on this post and add the common votes as they come in. Would be interesting...

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Post by Sid Guppy »

This is ONE impossible question!!

I can't choose at all, you know..... :( :( :(

The most liked five, I can do, but ONE??

must be the toughest challenge on this forum seen in a long time! :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Post by Rusty »

Malapterurus electricus. Interesting with a personality to match its size.

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Post by magnum4 »

At the moment Hemibagrus wyckii this would be an interesting poll, but i'd still have to vote 10-20 times.
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Post by Sfamnun »

Very hard.
Best i can narrow it down is to two genera - Hemibagrus and Clarias.
more accurate would be all that have long barbels and a terminal mouth :)
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Post by Sid Guppy »

more accurate would be all that have long barbels and a terminal mouth

Phyllonemus typus

I rest my case
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Post by Yann »


Well I can't go for a species so I ll go for a Genus: Hypancistrus !!!!
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Post by michelle56 »

Corries, Plecostomus, Blue-Eyed Panaque, Ottos,, Twiggies, Whiptails, Bullheads, and Madtoms(I didn't know they were catfish until I heard they were), and that really, really kindof ugly bristlnose lookin' thing called Neblinichthys pilosus.
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Just One?

Post by xander »

I'm sorry I can't chose just one. But I will limit it to 2
Glyptoperichtys scrophus (rhino pleco)
Ameiurus melas (black bullhead)
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Post by mallemalle »

this is not possible, i always wanted to get Neblinichthys pilosus but that seems rather impossible. so i go for something i do have, Pterosturisoma microps is one of my favorites and has been since the first time i put my eyes on one.

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Post by BK »

a large common pleco or

Power To The Pl*cos
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Post by Jools »

If it's a pleco then probably Lamontichthys or Pseudoheiodon. Otherwise it gets REALLY hard.

Maybe (I think the best aquarium catfish of all time might just be) Hyalobagrus...

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Post by Kostas »

Leporacanthicus triactis and Panaque nigrolineatus or a Liposarcus pardalis if it is a pleco
Otherwise my favourite catfish is Sorubimichthys planiceps
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favorite cat

Post by oneoddfish »

Very,Very,Hard choice but today it would be Platynematichthys Sturio !!!!!!
what's the matter?---cat got you'r tongue.

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Post by doctorzeb »

Got to be Channels cats, like this.

Catfish Gumbo
4 slices bacon, diced
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 cups fresh cooked okra
2 cups canned tomatoes, undrained
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 lemon, thinly sliced
3 cups boiling water
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 drops Tabasco sauce
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons flour
2 cups cooked catfish, boned, broken into large chunks
Cook bacon over medium-low heat in a heavy Dutch oven or stock pot until fat is rendered. Add 2 tablespoons of butter and the onion; cook until transparent. Add okra, tomatoes, garlic and lemon. Bring to a boil; add boiling water, salt, Tabasco sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Lower heat and simmer, partially covered, for 1 hour. Blend remaining butter with the flour; add to the simmering stew a little at a time, stirring constantly. When thickened, stir in catfish. Heat to boiling. Serve with hot boiled rice. :P
My wife made the mistake of buying me a 2 ft tank and it grew to 7ft.
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Post by doctorzeb »

Alternatively anything of the hypancistus flavour. :lol:
My wife made the mistake of buying me a 2 ft tank and it grew to 7ft.
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Post by lizardking »

If there is only ONE then it had to be L25, the scarlet pleco! :D
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Post by magnum4 »

If its a pleco then it's IMPOSSIBLE, hurts my head to try and decide :x
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Favourite catfish

Post by spiny »

Difficult one... must be Silurus glanis, the huge European Catfish, but since my aquariums would rather fit into the catfish than the catfish fit into the aquaria, a more realistic favourite should be a smaller species:

aaand,.. the wiiinner iiiss, dam dam da;

Bunocephalus coracoideus , the Banjocatfish!
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Post by hanleong »

have to submit a top 5 instead

1) L046
2) L025
3) L333
4) L27c
5) L190
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I can pull it off...

Post by windgirl »

I like my Hypostomus punctatus (common bla pl*coI named Shark. He doesn't ask for much, doesn't hide much and has a attitude (but doesn't hurt this tank mates).

Don't get me wronge I the other types of cat fish too! Maybe my mind will change when I have more cash, owned a few different cats and had enough luck with them that I don't worry. Maybe I will like a different type. I worry too much about my bushynose and cories to enjoy them yet (then again I just got them on boxing day).

30G - 4 common goldies (Neil Pryde, Jimmy Lewis and the twins) and 1 common pl*co (shark)
<O)>>< Building a web site with my other tanks and more info.
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Post by Chrysichthys »

Mongo and Bongo, my two Synodontis longirostris.

Doesn't anybody else have a syno as their favourite? :(
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Post by Elle »

:shock: oh my....this is my first reply in a while.....
Well, hmm........ I would have to say that my favorite catfish is an Iridescent Shark. (is that a catfish?) Gessive is so squishy and cute! :oops: heh... If not an Iridescent Shark, than an armored cory! They are also cute! Not nessesarily squishy, though....heh...

Sorry I haven't replied for such a long time! Don't hit me!!!
-Elle tup
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Post by Cam »

Well my fav. would have to be the Three Beacon Pleco (L091)... I seriously doubt that I'll ever have the opportunity to own one down here in Aus (I've only ever seen a very select few different types of pleco) but they look so cool 8)

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Post by Dave Rinaldo »


A fav of mine is an old friend
He's a beggar who I always make sure gets fed first!
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