Grow out for 1" petricola/lucipinnis??

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The Dude
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Grow out for 1" petricola/lucipinnis??

Post by The Dude »

I've got angroups of six that should arrive tomorrow. I would like to get 12 total in my 150 gallon hap/peacock tank. Problem is that most are 4" +. I have 3 albino BN Plecos the smallest being about 2 maybe 2.25". I also recently mistakingly added a Euruptus and he is about 2.5". I'm not comfortable adding these little guys at their size. I have 2 large breeder boxes I could use, but would that be too stressful for them? I have another 75 with Peacocks andnHaos that didn't make it in the big tank, but there are some large guys in there too. My last option is a heavily planted CO2 injected 11.4 with a single dwarf gourami, but that clearly isn't a good option... I will get another mayben20 long if that is the only option. Opinions? What size would they need to reach to add them?
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Re: Grow out for 1" petricola/lucipinnis??

Post by The Dude »

I don't know why it took so long for that last post, but my Haps/ peacocks are 4" +... the syno's are 1-1.5" the main tank is also heavily planted with lots of rocks and wood.
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Re: Grow out for 1" petricola/lucipinnis??

Post by nvcichlids »

I would almost say the 20L is your best option. They could be fine in either of the tanks you currently have, but you also risk them getting picked on. The 20L option has the least risk for your little synos.
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The Dude
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Re: Grow out for 1" petricola/lucipinnis??

Post by The Dude »

That's what I'm thinking.. I'm just not crazy about buying a 20 just to store it in a couple weeks when I can get the other 75 up. I am picking up another 5 from an enthusiast that are in the 2.5" range. I think having a group in there when I do end up adding these younger ones will help. As long as I can keep them all alive I'll have a group of 11 and should be able to collect some eggs... well then I could use the 20 again... Hopefully I can find a $1 per gallon sale and pick up a 20 long in a couple days.
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