Cabbage ?

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Cabbage ?

Post by Fundulopanchax76 »

Hi folks ! I have a question-can ancistruses eat cabbage and potato ?
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Re: Cabbage ?

Post by bekateen »

Hi Fundulopanchax76,

Potatoes are okay. But I think sweet potatoes/yams are more nutritious than russet or white potatoes (and the former creates fun orange poops, easy to see when fish have been eating).

I haven't tried cabbage, but they do eat blanched Brussels sprouts and raw spinach... So maybe cabbage is okay. Hopefully cabbage doesn't do the the Ancistrus what it does to me - if it does, at least you won't need an airstone in the tank. =))

If you use the Advanced Forum Search tool on this website, you get lots of hits on cabbage: ... mit=Search

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Re: Cabbage ?

Post by Bas Pels »

As brussels sprouts is a kind of cabbage, the former posting would have satisfied me for trying cabage

Being thrifty, I would eat the normal parts of the cabbage myself, and feed the fish only the harder parts of the cabage, the parts I would havbe thrown away. added benefit: I think these parts are better for the fish (but I could be biassed)
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Re: Cabbage ?

Post by Fundulopanchax76 »

Excuse me, just one more question - can plecos eat peppers - green and red ? Of course not chilli peppers ? Is this save for them ?
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Re: Cabbage ?

Post by MarcW »

I have fed mine red peppers before, they did eat a small amount but didn't seem too interested, so I haven't fed it again, however, some may like it more than others.
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Re: Cabbage ?

Post by MarcW »

Also have a read of these articles:

Feeding Plecos Part 1: ... cle_id=294
Feeding Plecos Part 2: ... cle_id=426
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Re: Cabbage ?

Post by crkinney »

I feed mine zucinni whole they love it,they will eat a whole one in four days
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Re: Cabbage ?

Post by Mol_PMB »

Mine love peppers, especially red ones, and chilli peppers too!
Courgette, spinach, and kale also go down well. They don't much like lettuce or cabbage.
I try to feed organic veg.
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