Woodcats for Sale

Items for sale in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
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Martin S
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Location 1: Guildford, Surrey
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Interests: Aquatics

Woodcats for Sale

Post by Martin S »

I'm set to move home in a couple of months, and have to downsize the tank as my new place isn't big enough for my current tank, so have got to sell the bigger fish now ready for the move in July. I have the following woodcats, all fat and healthy but in need of a suitable home:
4 (1 x M/3 x F) £40 for the four
3 (1 x M/2 x F) £40 for the three
Won't split groups.
Collection from Redhill (RH1)
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Martin S
Posts: 2099
Joined: 26 Mar 2003, 11:14
I've donated: $20.00!
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Spotted: 17
Location 1: Guildford, Surrey
Location 2: UK
Interests: Aquatics

Re: Woodcats for Sale

Post by Martin S »

Have had some interest, but need them gone sooner than later as now sold the tank. Willing to do a deal on all of them.
These were taken last time I moved them:
Trachelyopterichthys taeniatus
Trachelyopterichthys taeniatus
taeniatus.jpg (11.96 KiB) Viewed 15665 times
Centromochlus schultzi
Centromochlus schultzi
schultzi.jpg (12 KiB) Viewed 15665 times
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Martin S
Posts: 2099
Joined: 26 Mar 2003, 11:14
I've donated: $20.00!
My images: 9
My cats species list: 90 (i:19, k:0)
Spotted: 17
Location 1: Guildford, Surrey
Location 2: UK
Interests: Aquatics

Re: Woodcats for Sale

Post by Martin S »

Now all sold
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