Rubber Pleco F1

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Rubber Pleco F1

Post by Chinafishboy »

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Re: Rubber Pleco F1

Post by bekateen »

F1? Did you breed this? What is the scientific name?

Cheers, Eric
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Re: Rubber Pleco F1

Post by Chinafishboy »

bekateen wrote: 08 Apr 2017, 05:01 F1? Did you breed this? What is the scientific name?

Cheers, Eric
Parancistrus aurantiacus
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Re: Rubber Pleco F1

Post by Chinafishboy »

Artificial propagation first generation
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Re: Rubber Pleco F1

Post by bekateen »

Okay thank you. :-)

Cheers, Eric
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