1-1.5 inch L25 pleco hard to raise?

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1-1.5 inch L25 pleco hard to raise?

Post by squid »

I have a friend selling his L25, but it is only 1 - 1.5 inch really really small.
are they are to raise and really sensitive at this size?
or will there be a chance i can raise it?

i'm able to keep bigger plecos. and bristlenose this size. but been reading L25 will be fragile at this size?
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Re: 1-1.5 inch L25 pleco hard to raise?

Post by PseudaSmart »

In general all Pseudacanthicus fry are sensitive until the are over 2". I prefer to sell larger an 2.25". Doesn't sound like much until you know that that takes several months.

At the size you are asking about why will add to their new environment in 1-2 days or they will be dead, usually during the first night. At that size you need a group of 5. Only once was I able to raise less than five to selling size. My experience does include L25 but minimal.

They also like to climb!
May I suggest take now and pay later at an agreed size?

Good luck,
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Re: 1-1.5 inch L25 pleco hard to raise?

Post by squid »

PseudaSmart wrote: 23 Mar 2017, 20:37 In general all Pseudacanthicus fry are sensitive until the are over 2". I prefer to sell larger an 2.25". Doesn't sound like much until you know that that takes several months.

At the size you are asking about why will add to their new environment in 1-2 days or they will be dead, usually during the first night. At that size you need a group of 5. Only once was I able to raise less than five to selling size. My experience does include L25 but minimal.

They also like to climb!
May I suggest take now and pay later at an agreed size?

Good luck,
thanks Jim:) He only has 1 piece to, someone traded it to him for his L600, l114 and another pleco.
yup i'm hesitant to get it from him as i'm expecting it to just die in my tank.

will wait for it to be bigger before getting it :)

just confirmed its size, its only 1 inch
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Re: 1-1.5 inch L25 pleco hard to raise?

Post by FrankNL »

They are indeed sensitive, certainly to small for a community tank. Also I agree with Jim that if u would have more pieces they have a better chance. I've got several 1-2 inch L25 growing up at the moment. They stay together all the time.
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Re: 1-1.5 inch L25 pleco hard to raise?

Post by squid »

thanks :) Did not buy the piece anymore, as i think I wont be able to raise it :)
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Re: 1-1.5 inch L25 pleco hard to raise?

Post by squid »

Btw just curious, can l25 fry survive on algae wafer diet and tetra bits? Orndo they need meat in their diet?
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