Hi, I have kept a few Otocinclus macrospilus in my comunity tank for the last 2 years. As last september I set up a 15 gal tank for Crystal Red Shrimp and having read that the two species should have compatible requirements I waited a few months for the tank to age and grow some algae before ordering the zebra otos. Unfortunately my usual supplier stopped shipping as the courier will no longer transport live fish but I found another supplier. Today I got the shipment with 7 fish, they seem in reasonable shape, no sunken bellies, mix of genders (as far as I can tell), already sucking the algae off the glass. The tank is 50x35x35 cm. On the bottom there is Prodibio Shrimp Powder Soil, planted with Anubia, Java fern, Vallisneria nana and Christmas moss, some bogwood. Parameters are pH 5.8, KH <1, 100% r.o. water remineralised with Bee Shrimp GH+ to 250 p.p.m. TDS. Filtration is by means of an Eden 501 external canister with a sponge on the intake. Fingers crossed...Ciao