Adding a Golden Nugget Pleco Into My New Aqaurium, PLEASE HELP

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Adding a Golden Nugget Pleco Into My New Aqaurium, PLEASE HELP

Post by SamIsTheBest1234 »

I dont know if this is the right place to be talking about this subject as have only been signed up to this website for about 5 minutes :)) but anyways, i have just bought a 160 litre tropical aqaurium to have a community tank as my old one is too small and i wanted to upgrade, one of my favourite fish is a golden nugget pleco but i do not want to buy one for over 30 pounds and then my something fatal happen to it so i was wondering if anyone knows maybey how long i should keep my tank running for before i consider the idea of putting a golden nugget pleco in there, thanks :d
i will be gracious to any help given please
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Re: Adding a Golden Nugget Pleco Into My New Aqaurium, PLEASE HELP

Post by MrRRunner »

The advice given on the Practical Fishkeeping Forum that you have asked this question is correct. :)
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Re: Adding a Golden Nugget Pleco Into My New Aqaurium, PLEASE HELP

Post by SamIsTheBest1234 »

yh i just wanted to check becuase some websites say that the minimuim volume for them is 30 - 35 gallons and my tank is 35 galons so i wanted to double check the information was correct.
and also how do you know i wrote the same qeustion on practical fish keeping :)) :))
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Re: Adding a Golden Nugget Pleco Into My New Aqaurium, PLEASE HELP

Post by Jobro »

Depends heavily on the condition of the gold nugget. If it is newly imported and not accustomed to comercial food they can be quite tough to handle. Especially if your tank does not really meet his requirements or you are a beginner to Loricariids. All fish available are wild caughts. So they are all newly imported, usually.

If you can see the fish eating in the shop and having a nice round belly, you just have to wait for your new tank to cycle.(6weeks+) If it has a flat or concave belly you better not give it a try, unless you are an expert with plecos.
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Re: Adding a Golden Nugget Pleco Into My New Aqaurium, PLEASE HELP

Post by SamIsTheBest1234 »

thankyou so much for that

really appreciate it
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Re: Adding a Golden Nugget Pleco Into My New Aqaurium, PLEASE HELP

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Also, read up on their dietary habits. Improper feeding is one the major causes of loss in these fish. Here is what this sites states about feeding:
These fish are grazers, but not in the sense that they eat only vegetation. They actually sift and chew at the film of organic matter on hard surfaces in search of higher protein foods. In the wild this would constitute mainly of algae and vegetable matter, but with a variety of foods from small insect larvae and crustaceans to other animals eggs. With this in mind, a largely vegetarian diet, cucumber and courgette appear on the accepted menu, with treats of frozen foods such as bloodworm and blackworm, along with frozen prawns. Algae and plants are avoided. Accepted food morsel size changes with age in all of these fish. Best results are obtained by offer these foods in a paste. The very long intestine of these fishes indicates a biology adapted to breaking down food high in vegetable content.
The one thing the above doesn't stress enough (imo) that these guys pretty much feed on and off all day long. They do not do well if you try to feed them a single meal every day. You might want to consider feeding Repashy brand foods. A few advantages of this are you can mix different types such as the veggie and the meat food to create a blend. You can also "paint" this food onto rocks before it gels and then put these into the tank.

Here is what is in the "Back to Nature Guide to L Catfishes" by Ingo Seidel:
Diet: Highly specialized Auwfuchs- feeders that should be fed on an almost exclusively vegetarian diet of food tablets and a variety of vegetables in the aquarium. It is essential to avoid too much animal food - which is eaten readily. many aquarium plants will be regarded as food.

Maintenance in the aquarium: Not recommended for the beginner. Only under truly optimal conditions (high water temperatures, frequent water changes, feeding several times per day) are the juveniles usually imported likely to achieve any meaningful growth. Adult specimens are, unfortunately, frequently territorial.
from page 79.
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Re: Adding a Golden Nugget Pleco Into My New Aqaurium, PLEASE HELP

Post by MrRRunner »

SamIsTheBest1234 wrote: 12 Feb 2017, 16:45 yh i just wanted to check becuase some websites say that the minimuim volume for them is 30 - 35 gallons and my tank is 35 galons so i wanted to double check the information was correct.
and also how do you know i wrote the same qeustion on practical fish keeping :)) :))
Hi, Like most experienced fish keepers I like to go on various forums/websites, and had only just read your question before seeing it on this forum, I have had my Gold nugget (L018) just over 7 years and was going to reply to your question but the advice given on PFK was good.
Just a point ref your 35 gallon (160L) tank, you will probably find that volume would be in a bare tank filled to the brim, once you have rocks, bogwood, décor etc it will be less.
Good information on these posts too. :d
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Re: Adding a Golden Nugget Pleco Into My New Aqaurium, PLEASE HELP

Post by SamIsTheBest1234 »

thankyou to everyone who replied, u were all a great help i probably wont buy one until i get a bigger tank then
:) :)
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