Identify my pleco

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Identify my pleco

Post by Squwanto »

Bought for 14$ want to know what he is , thanks.
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Re: Identify my pleco

Post by bekateen »

Maybe or ? (this is pretty much a stab in the dark, but I hope it's close) Honestly, the snout on your fish looks too long to be debilittera but looks closer to L340, so that's why I listed L340 first. But I'm not sure what else would look like this and also cost only $14, unless it was seriously mispriced.
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Re: Identify my pleco

Post by Squwanto »

bekateen wrote: 09 Feb 2017, 05:34 Maybe or ? (this is pretty much a stab in the dark, but I hope it's close) Honestly, the snout on your fish looks too long to be debilittera but looks closer to L340, so that's why I listed L340 first. But I'm not sure what else would look like this and also cost only $14, unless it was seriously mispriced.
I think it may have been price listed wrong I bought from one of the best lfs near me not like petsuper market or something lol they said it was a zebra pleco but it was still in the bag when they got it so they never really saw it, I just saw a sticker saying zebra pleco 14$ and had to snag because I know they're so much more, someone on monster fish keepers told me L333 is this possible?
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Re: Identify my pleco

Post by bekateen »

Squwanto wrote: 09 Feb 2017, 13:56I think it may have been price listed wrong I bought from one of the best lfs near me ... lol they said it was a zebra pleco ... someone on monster fish keepers told me L333 is this possible?

Sold as a zebra? That adds , which is called the chocolate zebra pleco and is similar to debilittera. This still doesn't confirm your fish ID because sometimes wholesalers will list a pleco with a mixed name I.e., debilittera zebra pleco... In that case, what did they sell the LFS?

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Re: Identify my pleco

Post by Acanthicus »


its not L 270, neither H. zebra of course.
I'd go with H. debilittera, because the head seems bulky and flatter than in the Xingu species. But to be honest the pictures are both taken in a very bad angle, so L 333 (e.g.) cant be ruled out 100%. Normally its really easy, because the head morphology is totally different, but in this angle its difficult to tell.

H. debilittera is sometimes sold as "Colombian Zebra Pleco", that would explain the name in the shop.

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Re: Identify my pleco

Post by Squwanto »

This is the only other picture I have on hand when I get home I can take more pics , what kind of angles would be best ? Also it was only listed as "zebra pleco 14.99$"
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Re: Identify my pleco

Post by bekateen »

Best photo angles would be a straight shot form the side and a straight shot from above. The problem in all the photos is that the fish is at an angle other than 90degrees to the camera. This slanted perspective distorts or masks the body proportions.

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Re: Identify my pleco

Post by Annabellam »

bekateen wrote: 09 Feb 2017, 05:34 Maybe or ? (this is pretty much a stab in the dark, but I hope it's close) Honestly, the snout on your fish looks too long to be debilittera but looks closer to L340, so that's why I listed L340 first. But I'm not sure what else would look like this and also cost only $14, unless it was seriously mispriced.
I think you are right about it being Hypacistrus debilittera the stripe colours are a bit confusing though. Am enjoying trying to identify the different types.
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