Is this a Peckoltia sp. ?

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Is this a Peckoltia sp. ?

Post by Rshore »

Hi everyone !

This is my first post on planet catfish though ive been looking through this site nearly everyday for the last 3 years and learning something new daily from it

Ive come today for help with the I.D of my loricariid, a little background ill try to keep brief i spied this bugger at a LFS labled as blue phantom pleco 1 week and the next week in an unlabeled tank so i asked the lady about it and she said it was bristlenose pleco at this point I already had a strong suspicion it was neither, so smiled and nodded and 10$ later was walking out the door with my new pleco after countless hours or looking through various species on planet catfish ive concluded it is most likely a Peckoltia sp. And ive rested at either Peckoltia lugani or Peckoltia brevis so I thought id take to the experts and let you tell me what I got

Thank you in advance for your time and without further wait heres some pictures[*]
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Re: Is this a Peckoltia sp. ?

Post by Annabellam »

You are most welcome to the forum. Pretty new here myself but am learning each day as well. Wouldn't say am an expert but i think its peckoltia multispinis. They are pretty similar looking and hard to distinct. Would love to hear what experts think. Welcome again!Happy learning as well.
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Re: Is this a Peckoltia sp. ?

Post by Acanthicus »


this is Peckoltia lujani, also known as L 127.

cheers, Daniel
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Re: Is this a Peckoltia sp. ?

Post by nvcichlids »

P. lurjani, easy to breed if you have 2. my male always backed into his cave rather than going head first. They aren't extremely colored, but a fun fish to have. Enjoy your little one!
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Re: Is this a Peckoltia sp. ?

Post by Rshore »

Thank you everyone ! Glad to finally have a definitive species identification !
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