Good Algae Eater Plecos??

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Dickens Lam
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Good Algae Eater Plecos??

Post by Dickens Lam »

I am new to this forum, but as a fish keeper, I think Pleco's are very important to the health being of a tank. I am now in search to buy Plecos that are good algae eater, since I found some of them are not so active. Can any one suggest a few ideas?
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Post by Kostas »

Could you tell us what fishes you keep in your tank and what is your tank's ph,temprature and setup?
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Post by Yann »


Read this topic which ask basically the same sort of question...
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Good algae eater

Post by Dickens Lam »

I keep mostly tetras in my tank, the temperature I have set is 26 degree celcius, the tank size is 62 liter tank. Does that make a difference to pleco's eating habit? I would appreciate if you can post a photo of the type of pleco you refer to. Thank's to both of you.
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Post by bottomdwellin »

Dickens, having been where you are I know what you mean.
I have also learned what they mean too.
There are several different types of pl*co that will clean up your tank's algae.
But suggesting the best one for your tank depends on much room you have and will it get along with your inhabitants. Also the water parameters matter so you can have a comfy happy full bellied pl*co. You wouldn't want a 15" gibby in your 15 gallon tank. But you might want a couple or 3 Otos (Otocinlus vittatus) or maybe a Bristlenose (Ancistrus triradiatus).
Just one man's opinion.
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Post by Dickens Lam »

Thank you for your advices. I have gone to cat-elog to look at what they look like and I think they are locally available. I will fetch them tomorrow to see if they are better workers here in China.
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Post by Kostas »

Other spieces which are suitable for your tank are the smaller Panaque(the ones that dont grow over 10cm like Panaque maccus),Peckoltia sp. and Rineloricaria/Hemiloricaria(the ones that dont grow over 12-15cm).
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