L128 Spawn!

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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

There are no more fry in the cave, and I can only count 4 outside of the cave.

The yolk sacs are almost gone, I think I'll begin targeted feeding in the next day or two, however I suspect that they will be getting enough leftovers from the adults food.

The picture below was taken this morning.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by Uogur »

great result. congratualtions :)
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by watergirluk »

Great new's on the spawn congratualtion's, finger's crossed the ones left do well.
Good luck :-BD
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by brechtvh »

Any update?
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

Unfortunately, none of them made it. I'm still hoping one is hiding and will appear from the rocks one day!

The female looks to be gravid and is spending a lot of time outside the males cave, so hopefully they will have another go soon.
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Re: L128 Spawn! (Second spawn!)

Post by MarcW »

Hi All,

When doing a water change this morning I noticed a few fungused yolk sacs were in the waste water.

I took a look in the cave which held the previous spawn, and there are wrigglers in there again. Based on the previous batch, I would guess it has been about 7-10 days since the eggs were laid.

I've not done anything different from last time to encourage a spawn. Last time I was away and didn't do a water change for 2 weeks, and last week I didn't bother doing a water change either. Maybe its a coincidence, or maybe they like to be left alone and combined with worsening water quality that triggers them to spawn?

I'll let everyone know how things progress, there are a lot fewer eggs this time, I would estimate about 15 wrigglers in the cave and 4-5 bad eggs were sucked up this morning during a water change. hopefully the small size of this spawn will increase the odds of some surviving.
2nd batch-1.jpg
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

The young seem to be doing much better this time :-).

There are about 10 hiding in the back of the cave in the small cracks and some on the ceiling. It looks like most of their yolk sacs have been depleted. However the male is still in the cave blocking the exit.

Should I try and poke some food into the cave for them, or hold out for a couple more days and see if the male kicks them out? Hopefully I will be able to get some pictures soon.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

The young are still doing well, and have used all of their yolk sacs. From seeing a small amount of stringy faeces coming from one I guess they have started to feed! I think there are between 6-10 fry, although there are lots of cracks in the roof of the slate cave so its hard to count them.

Most are still in the cave with the male, but I saw one out in the open this morning, and took a couple pictures.

Will the male be allowing them out of the cave to feed? Could they be staying there because it's their cave and they feel safe, so come out to look for food then return?
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by stuby »

Pleco fry do go out and come back to the cave.... at least at first. They will after a bit stop going back in the cave and find other places to hide. Congratulations on the spawn!!

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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

Thanks Chuck, that's good to hear, I was worried they may be trapped by the male and starve.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by stuby »

No worries..... if you check after lights off you should find the fry out a lot more than with the lights on too. They are sneaky that way! lol

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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by stuby »

I am not sure about L128's as I have not had the pleasure of breeding them yet (I've breed a lot of different ones besides L128's) but some pleco fry are very sensitive to sudden changes in the water...... try adding new water slowly to the tank. I have a 5 gallon bucket I put a hole in the bottom/side and adapted a air line to. I put the bucket above the tank and put new water in the bucket..... that way it gravity feeds new water into the tank very slowly. It might be worth a try... and cost very little. All you need is... bucket, air line, air line adaptor, drill and drill bit the size of adaptor. If you want to slow it down even more you could put a valve inline too.... but I never have.

HTH and please keep us informed.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

Thanks for the tip, they seem to be ok at the moment, I did a water change yesterday morning of about 75 litres and just used my normal method, a small Eheim pump from a bucket to get the water into the tank.

I do worry about temperature or water parameter changes causing them stress, i'll monitor them and be more careful next time!

As a side note I have kept adult wild caught L128 for several years and they never seem phased by big (50%) sudden water changes sometimes dropping the water temperature by as much as 10 degrees Celsius. That temperature swing is much more than normal, and was after a hot spell when the tank got up to about 32c, usually there is around a 5c drop in temperature when I do a regular change.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by stuby »

I am glad to hear they are doing well! Whatever you are doing keep it up... it seems to be working!! My advice I give everyone is when you find what works for you and your fish stick to it...... what works for one person may not always work the same for the next person and fish!

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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

All have left the cave now, I just counted 6 hiding around the tank, there may be a couple more I can't see. They have started to get small blue spots, and appear to be growing.

I haven't target fed them, however every night there is a whole courgette cut in half along the length for the adults, which gets completely stripped of the skin, a couple blocks of Repashy, and some veg/algae tablets, as well as some small granule or flake for the tetras. So far they seem to be finding enough food.

Hopefully they will be in a good enough position for me to take some pictures soon!
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

There are a couple pictures below, poor quality (high iso) as the tank is very dark, and they like to hide in the small gaps, plus its hard to focus on something so small, while holding a torch in the other hand!

Anyway they give you an idea, hopefully when they are slightly bigger I can transfer them to a grow out tank and get some proper pictures.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by stuby »

Beautiful little ones!! Thanks for the update!!
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

The young still seem to be doing well, they haven't grown much at all though.

The male is sitting on his third lot of eggs now, I spotted them this morning, there seem to be 20-30 eggs, maybe laid a couple days ago.

Hopefully his parenting skills improve further and more survive from this spawn.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by stuby »

Awesome news! I am glad to hear they are still going at it and the fry are doing well!! To bad you are across the pond from me.... I would love to have some fry from your pair!

Thanks for the update and keep up the good work!!
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

Thanks, I'm surprised they seem to be breeding so regularly, I've not had this many broods from any type of fish before!
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

I managed to get a couple more pictures yesterday when performing a water change.

The first is one of the young approx. 6 weeks since the eggs were laid.
This one is of the male guarding the third batch of eggs, for all three spawns it has been the same couple spawning.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by solvent123 »

Hey Marc

( you sold me the l134's at sweet knowle )

Amazing news on ur l128's how's your 3rd batch geting on? Liking ur caves, did you make them your self?

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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

The third batch of eggs has just hatched into wrigglers. A few came out of the cave today so I used a turkey baster to suck them up and put back with the male.

I made all of the caves in that tank myself, from slate, I found it cheaper to buy it from a garden centre, more choice too. Just check there aren't any metal deposits in it, look for rusty streaks as clues.

The chunks I went for were mostly the size of house bricks up to about twice that size. Then split the top or bottom off, use an angle grinder to hollow out the middle then stick the top back on with aquarium safe silicone. They often broke into a few more pieces than I planned but they were easy enough to stick back together!

I used to make them from sheets of slate I made myself from blocks of slate, but I prefer the method above as it looks more natural.

I made a few sizes from what I thought were too small to what I thought was too big. It seems the one the eggs were laid was just right, as none of the other caves have been used at all by any of the other 2 males, or female in the tank. The other fish just live between the piles of slate and caves in the gaps.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by stuby »

Very nice! Thank you for the update!! I do love baby pictures!!

I've used field stone before.... I use a 12" wet/dry blade in a saw to cut the bottom and a grinder with a stone saw to hollow it out. Takes some time and work but looks nice in the tank.

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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

While doing a water change this morning the male left the cave for a few seconds and I managed to get a picture of the wrigglers, these are from the third spawn. Looks like there are 40+ in there, originally it looked to me like there were 20-30 eggs.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

This morning when removing last nights courgette from the tank, I saw a few wrigglers had been kicked out, as I looked closer there were quite a few so I have collected them and put them in a floating breeder box near the filter outlet.

Previous spawns where this has happened the wrigglers have been just floating around fairly lifeless. However this time they are very energetic sucking onto the glass and rocks, I'm hoping that is a sign that more will survive this time around.

I now have 16 in the breeder box, 1 was found dead, and there are at least 2 more I couldn't get at between rocks in the tank. There are also approx. 20-25 still in the cave, which makes me think that the spawn may have been too big for the male to control and keep in the cave.

Is there anything I should do to improve the chances of the ones I'm now looking after? Previously all the ones which have been kicked out of the cave and captured by me have died within 24hrs. It looks like some have conical yolk sacs rather than round, could these be damaged? I noticed them in previous spawns too.

There are at least 4 survivors from the second spawn they are doing very well, and growing slowly.
L128 in floating breeder.jpg
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

Tonight I counted 7 young from the previous spawn, they seem to be doing well, growing slowly, I've now seen them eating courgette.

6 of the young I put in the breeding box earlier have died with no obvious signs of illness, I'm wondering if it could be parasites from the parents causing the high mortality rates?

There are still a lot of young left from the third spawn, I guess they will have used up the yolk sacs in 2-3 more days, the previous young seemed to be safe and much less likely to die once they had fully absorbed their yolk. I'll update once they have reached that stage.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

All of the third spawn have been kicked out of the cave, most have died.

I tried an experiment as most in the floating breeder box previously pictured died, so I took a small tub and floated it in the aquarium, with an air stone, then manually changed the water every few hours. Unfortunately the mortality rate was about the same as the shop bought floating box.

There are now 2 survivors from the third spawn, 1 in the floating box, and one loose in the tank. I'm not sure why the male kicked them out, maybe they just swam out, either way from my spawns it seems the best chance of survival is when the fry stay in the cave until the yolk sac is fully absorbed.

More concerning was when doing a water change this morning one of the second spawn, (about 7 weeks old) was on the front glass and was very red around the mouth and gills, does anyone have any idea what this might be? Other than the colour it looked and behaved normally, picture below.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by MarcW »

All of the young from the third spawn have now died, I believe that the main reason was because they were kicked out/left the males cave before the yolk was absorbed, and I wasn't able to care for them properly.

Hopefully they will spawn again, I'm going to do the following to increase my chances of success, raise the cave entrance to reduce the chances of fry leaving the cave too soon, and make a proper fry trap/breeder box, which will ensure plenty of water flow through it.

The fry from the second batch appear to be doing well, I've not noticed one with red colouration as pictured above again yet.
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Re: L128 Spawn!

Post by Jobro »

I think that you are on the right path with the high flow breeder.

The reddish looks like a bacterial issue. I know you have a pretty strong filtration but maybe something is going wrong in your tank? Or do you by any chance leave the courgette in for too long? I feel that potatoes and cucumber and zucchini are nesting grounds for bacteria when they start to rot. Maybe your filtration caught a piece of corgette and it's silently rotting in there now?
Using carrot and sweet potato seems to work better for me. Also, your fry might not really get a lot of nutrients from courgette.

How often are you doing waterchanges and at what percentages of the volume?
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