New species: L025 = Pseudacanthicus pirarara

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New species: L025 = Pseudacanthicus pirarara

Post by bekateen »

Chamon, C. C. & Sousa, L. M. 2016. A new species of the leopard pleco genus Pseudacanthicus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Rio Xingu, Brazil. Journal of Fish Biology (2016), doi:10.1111/jfb.13184
  • EDIT: Following from Silurus' post below (dated 11 January 2017), here is the updated citation:
    Chamon, C. C. & Sousa, L. M. 2017. A new species of the leopard pleco genus Pseudacanthicus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Rio Xingu, Brazil. Journal of Fish Biology, 90(1): 356–369. doi:10.1111/jfb.13184

Chamon & Sousa wrote:ABSTRACT
The genus comprises six valid species distributed in the Amazon basin and Caribbean coastal drainages from Guyana to French Guiana: P. serratus, P. fordii, P. histrix, P. spinosus, P. leopardus and P. pitanga. A new species of Pseudacanthicus is described from the Rio Xingu Basin, distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: presence of anastomose dark blotches forming continuous zigzag bands alongside longitudinal keels; presence of dark blotches on ventral surface of body and head; all fins with orange to red colour on unbranched rays and sometimes subsequent branched rays. Brief comments on ornamental fisheries and conservation of the new species are also provided.
  • Key words: Key words: Amazon Basin; conservation; fish trade; Neotropical; taxonomy.
Fig. 1. Holotype of Pseudacanthicus pirarara, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo – MZUSP 116932, 234·1mm standard length (LS), in lateral, dorsal and ventral view.
Fig. 2. Pseudacanthicus pirarara, live specimens showing variation in colour: (a) Laboratório de Ictiologia de Altamira, Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus de Altamira – LIA 1466, 58·0mm standard length (LS), Rio Xingu near São Félix do Xingu; (b) ANSP 197879, 137mm LS, Rio Irini; (c) LIA 1251, 122·5mm LS, Rio Xingu near São Félix do Xingu; (d) Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia – ANSP 193003, 193mmLS, Rio Irini; (e) LIA 1297, 141·0mmLS, Rio Xingu near São Félix do Xingu; (f) LIA (no number), 173·75mm LS, Rio Xingu near Altamira.

Not being a Pseuda specialist myself, what is this beast? ?
Last edited by bekateen on 11 Jan 2017, 17:01, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New species: Pseudacanthicus pirarara

Post by dconnors »

That is indeed L25...
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Re: New species: L025 = Pseudacanthicus pirarara

Post by matthewfaulkner »

I'd love to read a copy if anyone could send me one ;)

[Edit: Thanks]
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Re: New species: L025 = Pseudacanthicus pirarara

Post by bekateen »

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Re: New species: L025 = Pseudacanthicus pirarara

Post by Silurus »

The description of this species is now formally published, and the open-access paper can be found here.
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Re: New species: L025 = Pseudacanthicus pirarara

Post by Jools »

Thanks for posting, this reminder me to check the species etymology and also add the type locality.


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Re: New species: L025 = Pseudacanthicus pirarara

Post by bekateen »

Jools wrote:Thanks for posting, this reminder me to check the species etymology and also add the type locality.
Hi, Jools. I added the specific etymology a while back, when the preprint was released. The etymology should be correct.

Cheers, Eric
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