Who's Going to CatCon?

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Re: Who's Going to CatCon?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

I had a blast. What a great group of fish people. IF you have never been to one, make plans now for Oct. 2018.

I got some great advice from Hans and Ingo as well as Dale and Barbie. Even though I am not a cory person perse, I got to meet Ian. I bought food from Stephan, got to talk a bit with Shane and Eric B. Got similis corys from Andy- a really nice gent and also came home with 10 absolutely stunning looking black Corydoras schultzei.

There were many more great folks I also got to meet and spend time with, too many to mention them all. There are several people who I have known online for years who I only get to see every other year thanks to CatCon And PVAS. Those folks deserve a super big thanks for making this event happen.

But perhaps the best part for me was when a few of the great pleco experts confirmed for me that my l173 were indeed 173s. I am not capable of making such an ID so to have thesefolks do so made my night Friday during the "Spree on Three"

My only regret was that Jools was not there.......
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Re: Who's Going to CatCon?

Post by MChambers »

It was great, wasn't it? I particularly enjoyed hearing Eric Bodrock and Hans-Georg Evers on things corydoras, but the other speakers also were excellent. I bought a bunch of Repashy from Swiss Tropicals.

I also had a great time at the auction yesterday. Sold some corydoras, including a bag of C123s, and bought some interesting Asian cats donated by WetSpot.
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Re: Who's Going to CatCon?

Post by Narwhal72 »

Those whiptails that Wetspot donated for the raffle were really something. And the L333 they donated was one of the most beautiful I had ever seen.

It was so hard not to go home with fish. But I will make up for it this weekend at the Fish Bowl I suspect.

I did bring home 7 cool catfish pins from Ian.

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Re: Who's Going to CatCon?

Post by Shane »

Another great convention and I so enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones. Great job by Andrew and the PVAS crew and great talks all around. These events are really key to keeping you oriented vis-a-vis our hobby and why it brings happiness to us.
Plus I came home with 12 Hyalobagrus!
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Re: Who's Going to CatCon?

Post by Narelle »

I haven't been able to stop talking about the convention since I got home. I wish it had been a whole week instead!

The speakers were all excellent (I've been really into fish nutrition lately, so I particularly enjoyed Stephan Tanner's presentation), I met so many cool people (Like-minded fish keepers! Hard to come by.), got to see some fantastic fish, and went home with a few of them (The best ones there, in my opinion, but even amongst catfish keepers I have odd taste I guess.). I had been dying to go to Catcon since I learned about it, sometime before the last one, but it vastly exceeded my expectations. I will definitely try to make it a regular trip.

One of the highlights for me was the conversation I had with Anton Lamboj. I think he has me convinced to pursue research. :)

I met Andy and Shane (also a highlight), but for those that I didn't talk to, I'm Angela, I was the 22 year old that was always bundled up in a black jacket and hat. (Too cold up there for Floridians!) For those that were at the auction, I was also the one that went home with the . :D
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Re: Who's Going to CatCon?

Post by Shane »

Yes, I would only let a fellow bagrid enthusiast out bid me on those Pseudomystus :-)
I am happy you got them.
Ingo photographed them and will send some pics for Jools.
"My journey is at an end and the tale is told. The reader who has followed so faithfully and so far, they have the right to ask, what do I bring back? It can be summed up in three words. Concentrate upon Uganda."
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Re: Who's Going to CatCon?

Post by Dave Rinaldo »

Another wonderful time! :)
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Re: Who's Going to CatCon?

Post by Narwhal72 »

Hi Narelle,

It was nice meeting you at dinner too. Good luck with your career in research. And now a shameless plug for my alma mater. Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne has an excellent Marine biology and Aquaculture degree program. I highly recommend it. And you get to stay in nice and sunny Florida!

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Re: Who's Going to CatCon?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

And the L333 they donated was one of the most beautiful I had ever seen.
It sure was pretty. Unfortunately, as a single, it can not spawn. Had there been 5 or 6 I would have them here with me now. :d
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