An attempt to breed Channel cats.

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An attempt to breed Channel cats.

Post by Chinadog »

Hi everyone, I'm new on here and still reading the archives so go easy. :)
I have three Channel cats that should be coming up to maturity soon and wondered if it's realistic to expect them to breed? They live in a 3000 gallon pond in my garden with excellent water quality and high oxygen content. Based on info I found on here about sexing them by the size of their heads/shoulders I'm pretty sure I have both sexes. I understand they'll need a spawning cavity and I can sort that out no probem, but is there anything else standing in my way? Cheers in advance for any thoughts or info.
Viktor Jarikov
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Re: An attempt to breed Channel cats.

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Welcome to the Planet!

That's a tough one for ignorant me. I hope someone with knowledge chimes in.

A couple things come to mind. Channels breed naturally in the US lakes of decent size of, say, a few acres and larger. I am sceptical about 3000 gal. But you can get the breeding hormone used at fish farms and try adding it to the water to catalyze their breeding behavior and/or place smaller fish in there that breed naturally and they will release their breeding hormones in the water either of which may give the channels the needed jolt.
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Re: An attempt to breed Channel cats.

Post by mountainman36 »

in my days at university studying fisheries, iand with my time building water features i would say that yes you can do it. feed them a lot, some meaty foods if possible, such as worms and fish. a medium sized barrel would work well. and sometime in early spring do a massive water change. the cool water should get them excited. it happens a lot with my ponds and the Koi when we do the cleanouts....many times the fish will spawn after its refilled with cool, fresh water.
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