Black Cories

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Black Cories

Post by Akasha »

Hi everyone.

My lfs have some black cories in stock and I've wanted some for a long time. They are labelled as black venezualen cories but I remember reading somewhere recently that many labelled as this are actually shultzi's.

So recently I discovered that certain cories can interbreed. I have panda cories (both male and female) and I have just 3 Smudge-Spots which are all female and one decided to breed with a male panda and now I have hybrids - just the one survivor in my community tank and 3 others that went to live in my Dad's tank.

I want to check before I buy these black cories to add to my community that they can't interbreed with any of my existing stock. I have: Peppered (male and female) Bronze (all male) Panda's (male and female) Melini (male and female) and the Smudge-Spots (all female)

The plan would be to get a group of 5 or 6 of the blacks and hopefully get a mix of male and female but you can never be certain of their sex at a young age.

Hoping someone can help. Many thanks in advance
Juwel Rio 240: 2 smokey blushing angelfish, 6 peppered cories, 5 bronze cories, 6 panda cories, 5 melini cories, 3 Smudge-Spot cories,16 gold headed purple harlequins, 1 male emperor tetra (kerri's) 10 emperor tetra (palmeri) and 1 ancistrus catfish, 3 otocinclus, 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, 2 zebra nerite snails.
Karsten S.
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Re: Black Cories

Post by Karsten S. »


the highest risk should be by far with C. aeneus, but also with the others you cannot be completely sure.
There are also some reported cross-breedings with members of other lineages.

The risk is always higher if the groups are small, i.e. if from the same species there is no partners.


Posts: 18
Joined: 22 Mar 2013, 18:30
Location 2: North Yorkshire. UK

Re: Black Cories

Post by Akasha »

thank you very much. So c. aeneus would be my bronzes so I've got to hope that I get a good mixture with the blacks. I'm going back this morning to have another look at them. I didn't count how many they had when I was there yesterday.

Many thanks once again

Akasha :)
Juwel Rio 240: 2 smokey blushing angelfish, 6 peppered cories, 5 bronze cories, 6 panda cories, 5 melini cories, 3 Smudge-Spot cories,16 gold headed purple harlequins, 1 male emperor tetra (kerri's) 10 emperor tetra (palmeri) and 1 ancistrus catfish, 3 otocinclus, 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, 2 zebra nerite snails.
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