60 gal frag tank 48 x 24 x 13 for L46 zebra plecos

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60 gal frag tank 48 x 24 x 13 for L46 zebra plecos

Post by zebra10 »

Would this tank work for 25 adult L46 plecos. Has anyone used a frag tank for breeding plecos. I like the floor space on the frag tank.
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Re: 60 gal frag tank 48 x 24 x 13 for L46 zebra plecos

Post by zebra10 »

Any advice?
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Re: 60 gal frag tank 48 x 24 x 13 for L46 zebra plecos

Post by Shane »

"Frag tanks" are great for many catfishes especially loricariids. My own opinion, however, is that a 60 gallon tank is just not enough to house 25 adult zebras long term. Get two tanks and split the 25 between them. This will also save half your group if you have a catastrophic set back.
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Re: 60 gal frag tank 48 x 24 x 13 for L46 zebra plecos

Post by Jools »

Personal view, but I'd split 25 zebra plecos across multiple tanks. They reproduce more and, as Shane says, your population will be much more resilient to human error (honey, did you use soap to clean my fish bucket) and unforeseen environment issues (power cuts, floods, heater or filter breakdown) etc.

As a general rule of thumb, if your set-up isn't 2 to 4 times the price of the fishes it contains, you should check how you're working.

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