Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine

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Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine

Post by ataridude »

I am trying to find copies of the tropical fish hobbyist magazine that I can scan into a pdf specifically concerning all types of catfish. I have the Digital subscription, but the publisher has disabled the print option. There are to many articles on catfish species to be able to afford directly from the company. I cannot find it in my university or local public library. Please email me directly at if you can help me out.

James Burgess
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Re: Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine

Post by Jools »

I'm guessing you can't save it as a PDF or just use screen grabs for the pages you want for your own records? That said, are there specific articles you're looking for as there is quite a lot of info here...

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Re: Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine

Post by Catlids »

Have back issues from about 1976 until the early 2000's.

Mike Shanahan
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