male or female corys?

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male or female corys?

Post by windgirl »

I have 3 albino cories ... I'd like to know how I can tell if they are males or felmales? Is there a easy way?

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Post by benny »

Hi Beck,

Er...Those that lay eggs would be female.

But seriously,

In my opinion, when viewed from the top, matured female would be noticably more plump than the males. Females are usually larger too. In addition, the ventra fins are more pointed for the males, rounded for the females.

However, juveniles are much harder to sex. What's the size of your albino cories anyway?

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Post by Silurus »

There's an older thread about sexing corys here.
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Post by fishnut2 »


The male is on the top.
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Post by Viking Bear »

When the fish are a year old it is usually easier to tell but sometimes it is hard to judge because you can have large males or small females. If you feed them heavy enough the females will swell with eggs. I assume that you are talking albino aeneus. There are a couple other albino that you see in the trades. The female can get so full of eggs that they look like balloons. Usually the females will be half to full inch longer than the males. Feeding black worms will speed the females to growing the full belly of eggs.
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Pics of the little guys

Post by windgirl »

Thanks for the info all ... So far I believe they are males? But I'm not quite sure ... I have pics of all of em. :D none of them have eggs or look fatter or anything. They are busy little guys most of the time so its hard to get a good pic but this is what I got with a digi camera I borrowed (I only have a 35mm cam and the film of the fish isn't developed yet ... besides I'm trying to improve my fish photography).

As for exact albino type of cory ok ... I guessed so no I'm not sure what they are but they look more or less like this one (which is one of them. Next post is a rougher pic but the other two with the busynose.

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the other corys

Post by windgirl »

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Post by Yann »

THe first pic seems to show 2 females, the are looking rather rounded in the belly region...
the second picture seems to show a male.
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Post by Coryman »

In the last picture they look like they could be a pair. The picture below shows what a mature pair look like from above.


Generally speaking females are larger and plumper than males.

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Post by madattiver »

how big are these cory's.. they still seem very small/young to be trying to sex them already
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size of these corys

Post by windgirl »

One might be a inch long ... the others are a little shorter and smaller (head to tail).
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Post by madattiver »

i would say that they are too small to sex.. an inch means this is still a very young cory.. give them 3-4 months.. or until they are around 4cm's in length before u can get an acurate sex of these corys
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