Heads Up: Shark Aquarium in NJ Closing

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Heads Up: Shark Aquarium in NJ Closing

Post by Scleropages »

Just a heads up to my fellow PC forum members: Shark Aquarium on Rt 22 in Hillside, NJ has announced they are closing and putting everything on sale 30% off... and I bet that percentage will go up as they get closer to closing the doors for good. This is the first LFS in the garden state to go down this year. Last year, I think there were ~4 big ones that closed--byproducts of the recession and internet shopping. There was a message on MFK earlier in the week here: http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... ng.652118/

I've met the owner, George Fear, before and I've been to his shop several times. He's always had one of the largest collections of piranhas and oddball catfish for sale in NJ. I believe he does mail order as well. Might be worth a look for some good oddball stuff.
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Re: Heads Up: Shark Aquarium in NJ Closing

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

George's store has always been a #1 on my list of the LFSs I know and have been to. Apex store. I have mixed feelings - I wish George all the best but sad to see such a staple in our hobby go.

Here is George catching a juruense in Peru (I bought the fish 1-2 years later):
George with the jur.jpg
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Re: Heads Up: Shark Aquarium in NJ Closing

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Thanks to CatfishTimmy for bringing this up to my attention. Turns out George has been going very far and wide for the love of our hobby.

Please, when you have some time, take a look at video diaries of George Fear and Ivan Mikolji's expeditions. It won't disappoint. The video quality and content are superb and it's like one went along with the guys - a total virtual reality effect https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... pp=desktop
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Re: Heads Up: Shark Aquarium in NJ Closing

Post by shrimpkeeper222 »

I watched Ivan Mikolji's videos and that shot on the wild P.Nigrilineatus(Royal Pleco) was pretty cool, and the footage of wild apistogramma breedig behaviour.
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