Has anyone ever heard of somewhere to buy new tops for tanks

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Has anyone ever heard of somewhere to buy new tops for tanks

Post by Skyetone »

If you are at all like me you get "free" tanks alot. Well several are barely worth keeping. I also got mt 24 wide by 72 long and it didn't come from the factory with spreaders. I wanted to buy a new top and sylicone it in, but everyone I talked to said they had no idea.
They are built so there has to be parts available.... anyone?
Catfish geek in utah
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Post by stepchild »

it sounds like an all-glass 180 gallon and you should be able to get a new trim piece from your lfs (see if they'll order one for you) check http://www.all-glass.com. But I think thats the right tank
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Post by Skyetone »

Well I e-mailed em, but I don't know if it will get me anywhere. I wouldn't mind a new top for my 75 gallon either frankly they both have no divider in the middle. I think I have e-mailed all-glass before to no avail...
Catfish geek in utah
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