I just bought this guy a couple days ago from my LFS. He seemed fine in their tank, and was the dominant featherfin, bullying the others. The tank seemed pretty clean and the LFS is the best one in town, with a good reputation for fish welfare.
After putting him in my big 180G tank with pretty peaceful cichlids, I have realised under my bright lights that he has these tiny white spots, all over his body including underneath. At first I thought, oh crap! He carried ich into my main tank! Then I wasn't so sure since all the other googled images seemed to show these same white spots. They appear flat rather than the typical grain-like ich spots I have seen online. He isn't feeding yet, but probably because he is getting used to his new home and the cichlids keep stealing his food. He doesn't seem to be flashing and fins seem fine and he is otherwise healthy.
None of my other fish have ich or any health problems. Water parameters are ph 7, ammo 0, nitrite 0, nitrates 10.
Thanks. Any advice greatly appreicated.