Photographic Parancistrus aurantiacus45 day

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Photographic Parancistrus aurantiacus45 day

Post by Chinafishboy »

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Re: Photographic Parancistrus aurantiacus45 day

Post by bekateen »

They are only 45 days old? Wow, they are already very hairy with odontodes. Very nice!

Cheers, Eric
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Re: Photographic Parancistrus aurantiacus45 day

Post by Chinafishboy »

bekateen wrote:They are only 45 days old? Wow, they are already very hairy with odontodes. Very nice!

Cheers, Eric
Excellent inherited the physical characteristics of the last generation, all kinds of large, dominant in the future. :d
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Re: Photographic Parancistrus aurantiacus45 day

Post by smitty »

When will the stripes get more pronounced.
150gal- No Plecos; 3 AC 110 P.Filters; 2 AC P.Heads; Eheim2217, 2260
180gal- Plecos (9): L001/L022 (1M), L023, L083/L165, L137, L190, Rhino (1M, 1F), Trinidad (2); 3 AC 110 P.Filters; 2 AC 110 P.Heads; Eheim 2217,2260; Fluval FX5
210gal- Plecos (5): L014 (2), L050; 4 AC P.Filters; 2AC P.Heads; Eheim 2250,2262; Fluval FX5;
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