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All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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For a month

Post by Chinafishboy »

Parancistrus aurantiacus babies thrive, the biggest more than 2.5 cm
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Re: For a month

Post by catfishchaos »

Did any hatch out in the yellow forum?

Good to see they are doing well!
I can stop keeping catfish whenever I want. I just don't think I'll ever want to do that...
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Re: For a month

Post by Chinafishboy »

catfishchaos wrote:Did any hatch out in the yellow forum?

Good to see they are doing well!
Yellow is L144 :d
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Re: For a month

Post by Barbie »

It is? Since when?

Lovely fry :). Congratulations!

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Re: For a month

Post by Chinafishboy »

Barbie wrote:It is? Since when?

Lovely fry :). Congratulations!

Parancistrus aurantiacus, New Year's day is born of a nest, thank you.
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