L114,l600 or L427

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L114,l600 or L427

Post by 900801 »

Hi guys, can help me ID this Pleco tks
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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by Borbi »


L114 methinks.

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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by PseudaSmart »

I think you will get your answer in steps. From my side is not an L600. Cristoffer would be best to tell you if it is an L114. I have a few photos of L427s that were imported this year and yours looks similar. Any idea when it was imported? Location would help also.

Either way it looks nice.
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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by 900801 »

Hi, I'm not too sure where is the location. Just curious because it doesn't look like the 114 which I've spawn before.
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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by Karsten S. »


I think, we can safely exclude L 427. At this size (what is the size?) it should be already much darker.
L 600 is not a valid L number, I don't see the point in using invalid numbers for the scientifically describes species P. leopardus.

For P. leopardus the markings in the head region seem to big and the base colour not "green" enough.
I would also favour L 114.


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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by PseudaSmart »

For the past 2 years I have been doing a lot of research, collecting, and DNA sequencing with the Pseudacanthicus genus. In addition I have been communicating with a group of peers around the world to gather additional information and photos of the different species. With a lot of work, luck, and peer review I hope to have everything finished before the L-number conference.

Comments for this thread
Base coloration is not a good indicator for species. The main contributor is diet.

I have photos of Large L427s which are not dark. Pseudas do not drastically change their color unless there are major changes to their diet. My 'L600s' were almost black when I received them. Once adjusted they have never gotten dark again.

I thought the point of L-numbers were to be place holders for undescribed species because fish were entering the hobby faster than they could be scientifically described. So by that definition any L or LDA number is 'valid. Adding a cf to a species does the same thing.

Based on testing there is a distinct difference between the 114s and 600s.
I do not yet personally have L427s so I was using the process of elimination.

More to follow in a few months.
Almost 3,000 gallons solely for raising and breeding Pseudacanthicus.
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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by Borbi »


Karstens comment regaring "validity" refers to the undeniable fact that DATZ has NOT YET issued the "L600" number. They are at L469!
And since NO ONE else than DATZ can issue L-Numbers, there is no such thing as "L600". Hence it is not "valid".


P.S.: I still maintain my initial ID: this is not L427, but L114 (and I keep L427 for years).
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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »


I Think its a nice colored L114. The tail looks very Lda07isch but the rest of the fish looks L114, so I would go for that one.
There are Always differences inbetween fishes, L236 for example. So I Think its a very nice L114. Not bad!

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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by Karsten S. »


I keep P. leopardus since ~10 years and all P. leopardus that I have seen up to now had at least a faint greenish base colour whereas I have never seen this in L 114. There certainly might be overlaps in this feature and on pictures this feature is certainly even less reliable but I still think that this is a good indicator for IDing P. leopardus.

Or does anyone has a picture of L 114 with greenish colour ?

The basic idea of the number system is to replace the arbitrary naming of species in the trade by giving undescribed species a preliminary name/code which needs to be unique and therefore officially released (with a picture and usually some basic information like origin). Whereas a "cf." is not meant to be unique and doesn't have preconditions.


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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by AquaticMadness »

I am going to revive this old thread in the hopes that there has been some more recent facts regarding the differentiation between the L114 and the L600. Is the 600 still not recognized? Are there any markings that help distinguish them from each other? I have been told by breeders that the 114 spotting patterns are larger and continue throughout the head and face, whereas the 600 the spotting is large on the body but becomes quite small as you get to the head and face. Is this a true/accurate difference between the 2? Is there any more info regarding the 2 species? If there is some documented info please let me know where?

Also, where does the 427 fit into this? Again how to tell the difference?

If reviving this thread doesn't get responses, then I will start a new one.

Thank you everyone.
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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by bekateen »

Have you read this? L114 vs L600 vs P. Leopardus

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Re: L114,l600 or L427

Post by AquaticMadness »

bekateen wrote:Have you read this? L114 vs L600 vs P. Leopardus

Cheers, Eric

Perfect. Thank you Eric. That is what I wanted to hear.

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