These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

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These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by ClearSky57 »

I was at a Local Fish Store a few weeks ago... the sales person told me he had some nice julii's in stock, but
when I looked at them I was pretty sure they were not.
I have not been able to identify them so far...
any ideas???
for reference, they are about 4cm.
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by bekateen »

I've already been wrong once today, but I'll give it another shot. ;-) These remind me of juvenile agassizii.

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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by MChambers »

Definitely not julii! Don't know what they are, however.

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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by ClearSky57 »

Erik, I'm not sure about that.... they are not young fish.....
at least not babies....
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by ClearSky57 »

also, is the fact that the patching is larger than what I have noticed on agassizii that have been pictured?
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by bekateen »

Yeah, the larger spots reminded me of a younger agassizii. But the more I look at it, the less I think it's that. And I'm on my phone now, so I can't easily browse the CLOGs to search the options. So, um, never mind; I'm not sure what it is. :-D

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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by pleconut »

Could be corydoras lamberti. Even if I'm wrong my first attempt at a fish id.
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by bekateen »

Not , although lamberti is similar; but lamberti has a big black spot or blotch on the top of the dorsal fin; the spot does not extend down onto the body, but is only on the upper half (or so) of the fin. The fish in the photos above don't. Rather these fish have the first three dorsal rays colored black, from the body almost up to the tip of the fin. I suppose it could be , but I'm not inclined to pick that because I don't expect the first three dorsal rays so boldly colored and reaching so far up the fin. I have ambiacus and the black goes only about 1/2 the way up the fin. I still like , but I'm not totally convinced.
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by pleconut »

I went back to Clog pages and realised it wasn't a correct match but i think may have a candidate (still learning cross forum link's) Are they possibly C. Blochi- C032.?
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by bekateen »

pleconut wrote:...i think may have a candidate (still learning cross forum link's) Are they possibly C. Blochi- C032.?
Another good guess, but nope. Look at the nose of - it is a very long nose with a concave profile, a shape described as a "saddle" nose. The fish pictured in this thread has more of a medium-length snout. Nope not blochi. Keep trying! :-BD
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by pleconut »

Back to the clog pages again i think i've got the right one a slight differance in the dorsal fin. I think it's corydoras CW082. Closest resemblance i cound find.
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by bekateen »

Hmmm. Maybe, but the fish above don't have the strong extension of the dorsal fin black band down onto the body like cw082, and they don't have as strong an orange-yellow-gold spot above the head as seen in cw082.

Although I'm not convinced, I keep coming back to agassizii and ambiacus. Look at these images: ... e_id=13440 and ... e_id=19764.

But still not exact, so maybe it will end up being one of the C or CW numbers.

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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by pleconut »

I'm thinking it's got to be either of the above then they are a closer match than what I've come up with in terms of base color i was picking out the more silvery grey ones. It's obviously easier to compare photos you can see side by side. Which i'm not sure a picture in a post come be compared with clogs. But i least I know most of the cories now. (*)
Last edited by pleconut on 25 Nov 2015, 10:19, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks Teresa
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by bekateen »

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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by pleconut »

Good guess I didn't even think to look this one up if you've seen the ones i did it's funny now as they look totally different
But what's even funnier is you didn't need to trawl through the clog checking almost all of the cories to find right one ...and then still get it wrong while it's quick guess of the top of your head. (*) (*)
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Re: These came into LFS as julii... What do you think?

Post by ClearSky57 »

Ok guys.... so I took your two ideas and put a comparison together of the three fish.....
My opinion, is that looking at the unidentified fish's body shape (noting that it is unclear the age of the 3 pictures) is more similar to agassizii than ambiacus, but he still looks a tad longer in body than agassizii, (I tried to not distort images when placing them in this fasion),,, but looking at the coloration, the unidentified fish has dark colored first rays on almost all fins, including adipose, pectorals, etc. His spotting is very intense compared to the other two. I'm not sure if it is lighting, but the ambiacus' lateral line seems to be more apparent. Both the agassizii and ambiacus have clearer (ie. less spotting/patching) areas below the eye on the operculum, where unidentified has blotching there. The unidentified fish's pattern of spotting is far more bold and fewer spots.
Certainly, looking at the three photos on the same page helps.
comparison 1_std.jpg
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