Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
The first pictured looks like my L333. And the second pictured fish looks like the L66. Also the L333 is also called Yellow or White King Tiger too. I see the moniker used for both L333 and L66. It gets quite confusing.
[/img]Let me see if I can post a picture of my L333 adult for you to compare. Long time lurker here but rarely as poster. If someone could let me know if I was successful or what I did wrong with the pic sharing I'd appreciate it.
Brennae, your picture posted just fine. Okay, yeah,... it's sideways. But that's no fault of how you posted it. That's the picture itself. And even with it being sideways, we can see the tail. But if it helps, I'll rotate it for you.
awesome I look forward to hearing anything I can. I can say that both the young one and my first one have very similar tail shapes so I suspect them to both be the same whether its L333 or L66... unless there is another species that is very similar and easily mistaken
I forgot to add in original post that the bigger one was bought as L66 king tiger and not L333 which is why I bought the juvenile labeled L66 king tiger
I know L333 and L66 get confused and used to be grouped as one. I agree about the tail difference. I am not sure if the collection points for these plecos makes a difference with tails or just colors on the case of L333.
Ok so my pal who has had these before says they look like L66. He also said there is still debate on whether L66 and L333 or even different species or just different collection points. I hope this helps some rather than confusing the issue more!