What's this corydoras species?

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What's this corydoras species?

Post by Carolus »

They were sold to me as 'black venezuela' and I was told that it wasn't sure if it was a new species or a colour mutation of an already known one. I was hoping somebody here could give me some more insight on this.

Thanks in advance!
Karsten S.
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Re: What's this corydoras species?

Post by Karsten S. »


the name 'black venezuela' is nonsense, better call it Corydoras aeneus "Black" or Corydoras schultzei "Black".
Your cory is a aquarium bred variant of what we hobbyists call , scientists however put this species in synonymy of C. aeneus.
This cory that we name C. schultzei is certainly a different species than C. aeneus but there is no type material of C. schultzei to prove that it is really this one.


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Re: What's this corydoras species?

Post by Carolus »

Thanks for the info kamas!
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