I'm determined to spawn Sailfin Plecos in a aquairum...

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I'm determined to spawn Sailfin Plecos in a aquairum...

Post by Nessau »

I've read all over the Internet that it is virtually impossible to spawn Sailfin Plecos in a aquarium and that they need large ponds simulating their natural habitat. I can't see why this can't be done in a aquarium, with the right resources and knowledge this goal will be reached. I would gladly accept any help in this "project" of mine and I will succeed, even if it will cost me my last penny. :razz:
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Post by S. Allen »

well, if this species requires a mud cave, it'll be very difficult to allow them to do that in a tank... mud and filtration are a nightmare I'd imagine
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Post by pleco_breeder »


I remember seeing a similar topic on the cat-l list. You're going to need a very large tank since my understanding is that they will have to be in excess of 30 cm before maturing. I've also been told that it takes 4-5 years for maturing. I don't think that a wall of mud will be required, but the spawning tube will most likely need to be about 60 cm. I saw spawning caves in the river banks in Hawaii that I could not reach the back of with my arm all the way in. I know that both Liposarcus and Pterygoplichthy have been introduced into those waters, but, either way, the caves were huge.

I would be the last person to try to convince someone to give a second thought to a pleco breeding project, but I would definitely think long and hard about doing this one in a tank. Maybe a 1500 gallon pond with artificial caves would be more feasible. Both from an issue of ease and cost I would be inclined to try that route.

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Post by Katman »

I have had plecos spawn the second year, I find it is more size than age.
As far as tank spawning it has been done on some of the larger plecos.
Most have been spawned in clay pipes.

If I were to try it ,I would a use length of PVC pipe 6 in. dia by 3 ft long ,4 ft.
if possible. The problem is anchoring the pipe down so it doesn't move
around. Plecos get very roudy when trying to make the hole bigger.
This is in a glass tank.

If you have some thing other than a glass tank I would use clay pipe of the
same dimensions as above.
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Post by Waldo »

I think FishNut has done it befor. I know he's working on an Albino Longfin BN pleco !?!?!
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