Trachy Trachy or some other species of Auchenipteridae

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Trachy Trachy or some other species of Auchenipteridae

Post by Koltsix »

Picked this cat up recently from Jeff Rapps as Trachycorystes sp. Golden. She 10 inches and looks to be a female and looks like she could be Trachy Trachy with her protruding lower jaw and general body shape but her coloration is definitely unique. While not Golden she is a dark Tan with some brown splotches a far cry from the Trachy's typical Black coloration.

I'd like to get her correctly identified since I have been for awhile been trying to breed my Trach Trachy's and this female maybe just the thing I need. She could be incentive for my male Trachy to make it happen or this new Tan Trachy may just be more receptive then my current female.
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Re: Trachy Trachy or some other species of Auchenipteridae

Post by Marc van Arc »

What a brilliant find!!

Your fish reminds me a lot of
Pls take into account that Ben's pictured specimen is very skinny and yours is very well fed.

So no definite ID, but perhaps a hint that may be useful. Anyway, what a glorious fish!
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Re: Trachy Trachy or some other species of Auchenipteridae

Post by Jools »

I agree that it is pretty close.

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Re: Trachy Trachy or some other species of Auchenipteridae

Post by Koltsix »

Thanks Mark and Jools for the replies, it's truly appreciated and I apologize for taking so long to respond. Can I ask what are your opinions on me attempting to breed her, I'll call her T1 for now to identify her in the thread going forward; with The Trachy trachy's? I've had my Trachy trachy's(Black Betty and Ram Jam) for 7 or 8 years now and despite me moving them to their own tank, increasing cover with floating plants adding driftwood and switching their diets to high protein and fat as well as adding live off and on throughout the year haven't been able to breed them. Part of the reason I believe is the female never puts on much weight like the male does and I think she never comes into condition because of this. This new female T1? how ever is as you said Marc is well fed and she's a wild import so I'm hoping T1 will continue keeping on such weight in my tank and maybe more likely to come into condition and possibly be more likely to breed with my male. Also is there anything you guys could suggest to help get my Trachy trachy's in the mood?
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Re: Trachy Trachy or some other species of Auchenipteridae

Post by Marc van Arc »

I'm afraid I can't help you wrt your questions. Looks like you already do the things I would do as well. Perhaps a large water change with water slightly cooler than the current temperature?
The only thing I can suggest, is put the new fish in the tank with the two others and see how things develop. Given the fine conditions you keep them in, they should reward you sooner or later with offspring.
Good luck.
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Re: Trachy Trachy or some other species of Auchenipteridae

Post by Koltsix »

Thanks Marc it's truly appreciated, I'll just keep at it and hopefully it'll pay off. My next move is building stone hides and siliconing them together. Thus far the Trachy's have entwined in what looks like it could be a mating attempt in the open but no luck thus far. I'm hoping building a hide just big enough for both might also help induce spawning. When I do I'll update my old thread about Trachy breeding and hopefully will have better results to share. Again thank you both for your help.
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Re: Trachy Trachy or some other species of Auchenipteridae

Post by exasperatus2002 »

Cant help with the id but have you tried a large water change as you get a storm? Ive had some picky breeders spawn only with an approaching storm.
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Re: Trachy Trachy or some other species of Auchenipteridae

Post by Koltsix »

Thanks for the suggestion exasperatus2002, It's a good one. I imagine atmospheric and other changes in weather patterns are detected by fish and do indeed help induce spawning but it never occurred to me to try and time a water change with a storm. That's a really good suggestion, thanks; I'll definitely give it a try.
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