He was in a planted 55 gallon with 2 L114's (very young, about 2-2.5 inches), 2 L129's (about 1-1.5 inches), and a young L204 (3 inches). He is 2.5 inches himself. I've read the 114's and 129's can be aggressive to other plecos of similar size, does this look like a wound that another pleco could have inflicted?
I have him acclimating to a 29 gallon planted sump under my 75 gallon because it has a much higher amount of oxygen. In the sump is a 5 inch green dragon bristlenose, a 3.5 inch calico bristlenose, and a 2.5 inch calico bristlenose. The green dragon is a male, the other two are females. The females are not gravid, so I'm thinking that the bristlenoses won't be aggressive. Does this sound like a better place for him? Both tanks had plenty of driftwood and caves. Everyone gets plenty of zuchinni and cucumber (carnivores get shrimp and frozen multi-pak).
In these pictures he was in a 10 gallon. I put him in there because it's just a betta and a few molly fry, but realised that there was almost no water flow and that oxygenation was probably garbage.