L205 or P. brevis?

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L205 or P. brevis?

Post by RafaelMatos »

Hi everyone!

I've always enjoyed planetcatfish although i've never had many plecos. Recently I've bought some and there is one I would like to identify.

I've read the article about the differences between L205 and P. brevis, but I'm not sure which of both could be. As I've seen that some people here have both of them and are great to distinguish them I am asking for help.

As I bought it in Brasil with a shipment of others brasilian plecos I think it is supposed to be P. brevis, once it is a brasilian specie, also because L205 come from Peru.

I could take more photos if it is necessary, and the photos I post here are allowed to be used elsewhere in this website.
Thank you for help!
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Re: L205 or P. brevis?

Post by Acanthicus »


thats P. brevis, L 205 doesn't have the not spotted part between head and dorsal fin.
However, the species remains the same.
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Re: L205 or P. brevis?

Post by RafaelMatos »

Thak you for helping Acanthicus!

What do you means with 'the species remains the same'?
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Re: L205 or P. brevis?

Post by Borbi »


I believe Daniel is referring to the fact that while being a distinct local variety that should not be mixed with P. brevis, L205 is at least scientifically not a distinct species.

Cheers, Sandor
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Re: L205 or P. brevis?

Post by RafaelMatos »


Now I understand, thank you for the explanation.
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